Electric fanboys are mad because the petroleum industry can make up a bunch of fake data and claims just like they have done for over a decade.
Electric fanboys are mad because the petroleum industry can make up a bunch of fake data and claims just like they have done for over a decade.
Something the right will never do when talking about California. Making the impression among politically disinterested people lopsided in favor of the right’s narrative, as always.
Aww widdle baby got his feewings twiggered!
Well they did a terrible job with the website mockup for Blue Ember because it looks awful in that picture.
What’s the story with GE?
Something you wanna talk about, champ?
You have a point but that’s too low.
And miles traveled?
They are always complaining about idiots cutting them off last second, dealing with road raging idiots who think break checking a semi is a bright idea. Word to the wise, it isn’t!
Actually more like 23%, since about half of all Americans dont’ vote at all.
Considering the fact that about half of all Americans don’t vote at all, how is this surprising?
Something you wanna talk about, champ?
And that the market for trucks is not exactly welcoming to “woke liberal EVs”...
Yes, anyone who disagrees with you is part of a conspiracy. Is George Soros in the room with us right now?
If you aren’t aware, today’s problems ARE tomorrow’s problems. We have passed several lines in the sand drawn by scientists in regard to climate change.
That’s not the claim he was responding to. Pretty obvious.
You really got my expectations high with that FD RX7 talk. This is hardly inspired by the FD, and a step down from the RX Vision, aesthetically. It looks more like a Roma than an RX-7. Yawn. This has no character at all.
And of course, you never make any mistakes in your profession.
I don’t think the truck was trying to box him out, but I do think he was not being responsible with that speed differential.
But the truck should be looking ahead at stopped traffic, not matching the speed of the idiot that caused the accident.