evilfacelessturtle (Hooning a Ford is Domestic Abuse)

Just another “law abiding gun owner” I keep hearing about...

Wimps. Do it in Grand Theft Auto. In the middle of your presentation a pedestrian will yell “My mother is my sister!” and a gang member will casually walk up and steal the car.

Are you retards capable of anything beyond repeating the talking points you’re programmed with?

Why don’t you Derelicte my balls, capitan?

The cities with the highest crime rates are all Republican. Dipshit.

Have you tried looking on Ebay for used batteries?

The owner of Home Depot is notoriously right wing, so this is the likeliest explanation.

Even with 100% coal produced electricity, an EV is still lower emissions.

I think most people just don’t pay that much attention to... well, anything in my experience. Most people float through life as the main character of their life’s journey, knowing as little as possible necessary to function. Everyone else and everything else is background.

I like the squareness of it. Reminds me a bit of the circa 2017 Silverados.

300 vehicular homicides per year

This. Even the most “responsible” people still see red from time to time. And a gun makes killing somebody as simple and detached as the flick of a trigger. 

aN aRmEd sOcIeTy iS a PolitE sOcIeTy

“Habit” is a generous word. Especially considering the fondness his followers have for ones like “junkie” and “degenerate”...

Yeah, you know how many chefs got their job by saying “I made the shit out of a McGriddle!”... do you? I don’t. Probably zero.

Super employees are just rewarded with more responsibility and more work for no pay increase. It doesn’t matter if there’s a union or not.

You have to love how the “unbiased” AP and Reuters both headlined this as “Trump and Biden both seek to woo union workers in Michigan”. Reuters stealthily changed the headline, it appears:

If they could find a way, they abso-fuckin-lutely would. Why do you think everything is becoming a subscription or rental these days?

How shameful, to think that they would reprimand a pilot for practicing flying in his personal time.

That’s the motivation for literally everyone in every industry. You’re telling me you don’t want to live off passive income?