
Well the reason I think your opinion is based on anti-Paul propaganda is that you are too general and stereotypical. You really have not been too specific about anything you disagree on. All it sounds like, is that you are anti Ron Paul. "His other ideas would be catastrophic" What ideas?!? Labeling me a "Paul-ite" I

'Not even his own party would be on board with abolishing the Fed, or restoring the gold standard, or ending rampant militarism and slashing the defense budget, or whatever the hell else he wants to trot out.'

This looks familiar.

OMG! And, Romney or Obamma are better! "Being right two times a day" That analogy is so cliché. But, still being right two times a day is better then never being right at all. We need to keep the politicians from spending money we don’t have. Who gives a shit if it for a good cause or if it’s for war. WE DON"T HAVE

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How is he crazy? Have you honesly heard the man speak? Take a listen and tell me he's crazy. Please use your own mind to jugde not what the meda says.

Just make them drones.

This is an prime example of America losing it grip as the last worlds super power. I mean check out how small our sky scrapers are and how big or debt is getting. Not to mention the lost of a space shuttle. America is becoming a has been. Wake up America! Wake up!

Hahahaha Good old X-10.

If they show him at all.

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We desperately need Ron Pauls help. Wake the fuck up America!

Oh is someone going to finally make Barbara Walters cry?

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Check out Paul Mawhinney collection! He has 83% more music that is available on CD.

I wonder what kind of girl Sheniqua is?

So his a politician running for election in Australia, and he is out sourcing the work to China? Well, so much for being a smart politician.

It works everytime baby.

That's pretty bad.

How can Google not see these articles and not do anything about it?

Why not just write emulation software and bypass the console altogether? You could even do online gaming on private servers. How cool would an underground gaming network be?

Dear Verizon,