
This is an almost inconceivable blunder on Samsung's part. They're alienating their fan base in an attempt to appeal to a broader market with a form over function approach. And you hit the nail on the head with the incremental improvements. No one is going to be enticed to upgrade early from an S5 to an S6,

It's a trick question. A lot of these "white" cows are actually blue.

I am the low. (Corrections)

Cool sandwich, Captain Douchebag.

Put in in some rice.

Now playing

All I can think of after skimming this article....

I found the original supercell picture!

Taken with iphone 4 and not photoshopped.

what I use


I like turtles.

Mind.... blown....

You think that's bad, you should read the story that goes along with that picture...

The following are 30 incredibly stupid things that the federal government is spending money on….

Shut up and take my money!