
Because kids are stupid even at that age. Brain development comes into play, also... blah blah blah.

If it's the first thing they send you, it may not even be theirs. When I was looking at online dating, some guy sent me a dick pic that I received from someone else over a year earlier. I called him out on it and he kept lying, and lying, and lying. Like, if something ACTUALLY goes down, don't you think I'd notice

That was a running joke I had with friends when I was 17 (the age of consent in Texas): I'm old enough to have sex, but I can't film it.

"Kuehn responded in kind, sending her pictures of his penis."

This may be 69 for people with the same fetish...

Gross. Who cuddles like that?!

Same, and I never laugh unless someone is injured (and didn't die) or... really that's it.

This is the best. I love shitty recorder music cuz it reminds me of the 4th grade.

Wouldn't it be hilarious if Dane DeHaan gets an Oscar before Leonardo DiCaprio?

Baby Leo!

No, he said, "I brought you something from far away", which is also stupid, because "far away" could me West Africa (home of piss coffee) or the layover airport.

I've never wanted kids less than I do now.

That's literally playing with fire.

No wonder we won the Revolution.

You don't have pets, do you?

Christmas Vacation!

I don't know who many of these people are, but they are all winners.

I want tits too, kid. Santa ain't givin you that shit

I know! I know!

What if... what if it doesn't suck? She is no Julie Andrews, we all know that... but just, what if The Sound of Music isn't massacred on live television?