
What about Fiddler on the Roof? Grease? Joseph's Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat? Singing in the Rain? WHITE CHRISTMAS?!

I thought it said "The Top Songs of 2013 You've Never Heard Before".

Houston 2 years; haven't met anyone Jewish.

But what if I'm single?

I'd love to be able to get away with wearing this type of makeup in the workplace.

What are you, new? Periods have been my go-to passive aggressive tool since I first got pissed off while texting... back in 07'.

I get it waxed when I have the time/money, but really... no guy has ever cared (except one, and he was in no position to... bastard was lucky I showed him my cooch anyway).

On Tumblr people are freaking out over how sexy his tats are, blah blah blah. He's a skinny teenage boy; I like younger men but he's kinda gross shirtless. Although he isn't as bad as the Biebs when shirtless, but the internet pretty much hates the Biebs so not as many people fawning over him. ESPECIALLY since the

Maybe its a different Taylor Swift?

After being in swimming for 15 years, you learn how to pee without removing much of the swimsuit. It's a talent I am proud of.

Gale = Liam Hemsworth aka ex Mr. Miley Cyrus.

I played Ghosts but got annoyed. So now it's battlefield 4. Just learning :)

I played Ghosts but got annoyed. So now it's battlefield 4. Just learning :)

If you didn't get drunk in the first place, you wouldn't be here! You drunk slut.

That's cool too. I just like thinking that when someone sings a song, they mean it towards ONE person and not for a whole demographic.

It's nice to see all those wedding rings on everyone except Nick. Unless I missed something.

What's the age of consent over there? Asking for a friend.

You might even say... Catching Fire?

I can't tell if he was even looking at her. Do you think the little green men in his head tripped over a wire or something?

He has a girlfriend? I guess not everyone googles the person they're dating before committing...