Selena Gomez shows us how to do it without being an insufferable little prick all the time.
Selena Gomez shows us how to do it without being an insufferable little prick all the time.
So now she’s a Harley Quinn sort of Taylor Swift.
Fresh take: We all know Trump is miserable in the job and never expected to get elected. He researched how to get impeached, and the two options were get a blowjob from somebody at work or fire somebody investigating you. His closest staff consists of a decrepit Nazi hobo and a Sleestak named Stephen Miller,…
False. It’s racist when the empowered population does it, but not racist when the victims of the racism do it. See above.
A slur used by a member of the target population can serve to disempower the slur for that population. But members of the target population using the slur does not mean it’s right for members of the empowered population to also use that slur. Bottom line: white people, stop using any version of the N-word.
Every marginalized population includes some people who align with the oppressors, for perceived or real personal benefit.
Trump speaks the truth, surprisingly, when he says the press is his enemy. A free and vigilant press is the enemy of tyranny, corruption, and ignorance.
She’s like “Iggy Azalea: the Disney Years.”
Twitler doesn’t need her in D.C. He has “spokesperson” Hope Hicks, the future next Mrs. Trump, with him.
Are we still surprised when the Trump regime is blatantly racist?
The many cans of worms opened up by a heartbeat based anti-abortion bill would make Republicans in power cringe. Women could begin to sue the government for eminent domain takeover of their most precious real estate, and we know that 9 months of rent for that property for every pregnant woman who doesn’t want to be…
Government must not be in the business of deciding what is sacred.
And toss him out on his ass the moment he does anything to hurt personal Republican profits.
Nah. The GOP leadership hates him. He’ll get impeached or Amendment 25thed as soon as his behavior hits Republican politicians in the bankbook.
I’ve been calling out the signs of early-onset dementia in Trump since he declared his candidacy. He cannot communicate coherently, he depends on his family to hide his failings, he gets erratically angry, he repeats comfortable lines regardless of relevance. . . it’s all there.
We cannot be surprised at this news. Kushner and Trump’s daughter Ivanka are the two people who have been running Trump’s brain since before he announced his ridiculous presidential campaign. Trump cannot function without them. This is another sign of Trump’s early-onset dementia.
Lawsuits. Lawsuits everywhere.
Evidence details would almost certainly include information that could endanger covert operatives. We know Republicans love to unmask covert operatives for political purposes.