
Nothing short of his firing is adequate.

Toomey is a worthless piece of dung.

Any law criminalizing abortion infringes on the religious freedom of all women with the “sincerely-held” religious belief that the human soul enters the new body at first breath and not before. If a woman says it’s her belief, that’s good enough reason to make a public policy exception for her, according to the

They could refuse to perform on the grounds that the host is a self-admitted sexual assault perpetrator, then sue the shit out of their employer if they suffer retaliation for wanting to remain safe from a hostile work environment in which women are at risk of sexual assault.

Better to pretend the so-called prequels are bad fan fiction, and hope the producers of this film give us a better origin story for the original trilogy.

The Republican Party knows Trump is a menace to their bank accounts but they want to claim another Republican president, even for a short time. They will let him get inaugurated and then remove him via Article 25 or impeachment, resulting in President Mike Pence and VP Paul Ryan.

At every progress check-in or one-on-one meeting about your work, always ask youra supervisor if there is anything you should be doing differently or if your supervisor has any advice for you. This makes it difficult for a supervisor to blindside you during an annual evaluation and provides you some protection, if

Tofu Palin is only in it for the attention.

I feel joy at their pain. I am finished coddling ignorance and enabling misogyny and bigotry

Journalists, it’s time to stand up and do your job. Take him down.

The President is banking on Trump getting removed from office when the early-onset dementia becomes impossible to ignore.

Disown, unfriend, and disavow anybody in your life who supports Donald Trump. No relationship is worth that stain on your honor. This is not a matter of politics, but of basic human decency.

My prediction is Trump’s early-onset dementia will become impossible to ignore and he will be removed from office as per the 25th Amendment.

Rational people, there’s nobody left to convince. They know what Donald Trump is. They know what Donald Trump has done and what he’ll do in the future. And they want him as their leader. That’s what they are.

Why does the U.S. maintain diplomatic relations with so many primitive nations?

My wife thought there were only three Beatles until about a month ago. Poor George.

Let’s not encourage use of the MRA-fave nonsense word “cuck.”

So if you’re a white redneck anti-government extremist and the jury of your peers is comprised of local yokels, you can camp for free on a federal wildlife refuge for as long as you like and destroy as much public property as you want, and you don’t even have to pack out your trash.

I woul disown any relative who supports Trump. This is not hyperbole. That announcement would be our last conversation until one of us dies. If you value what Trump represents, there is no room in my life for you.If you value what Trump represents, there is no place in my life for you. No relationship, not even with

“No, YOU are!” was lame on the playground too.