
Cool story.

{{ looking around the year 2016 }} Nope, still not seeing many people in positions of leadership and public trust with noticable tattoos around the face.

You may challenge my actual premise but it’s silly to pretend I said laboring and managing are the two options available for employment.

But still!

You obviously understand my premise.

Anything noticable above collarbone might as well say “laborer only, no management jobs.”

If we really want to address the culture of rape acceptance in our judicial system and our civilization, we would demand that the minimum mandatory sentence be measured in decades. If alcohol was involved, add another decade.

Buying an old button is significantly less ridiculous than tattooing a failed political candidate on your body.

The Bernie cult is growing increasingly ridiculous.

She’s in a Haim-wannabe band. So, cool girl goals.

Never forget that some of the rape enablers are women with their slut-shaming and victim-blaming bullshit.

They run in packs. Convicted rapist Brock Turner is surrounded by similar monsters.

Because math is unclear?

Fucking grifter.

Now we will see if “Bernie” behaves with honor or behaves like a Republican grifter.


Straw man fallacy.

The delegate math indicates Sanders is just grifting now.

Ask your friendly neighborhood Republicans to explain why the political party that pretends to be all about fiscal responsibility and family values is lining up to kiss the butt of a serial adulterer with multiple divorces who has bankrupted several businesses and admits he’d like to date his own daughter. Regardless

We can blame the Trumpublican Party for every short-haired woman harrassed in public restrooms from now on.