
People with genitals that do not match various versions of what the sign on the door means have been using public restrooms for decades, without incident. Nobody’s going to suddenly be more at risk of anything bad. If this is a problem in some people's minds now, it’s because right-wing pandering politicians have

Men who do ballet get strong af.

And they slay.

After a few Woody Guthrie tunes with his elderly hippie friends he’ll be back on the campaign trail in no time, ready to get soundly defeated in Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Connecticut. He’ll then either fold up the tent, or stay in the race as an issues-message candidate to get a speaking spot at the convention.

I love ya, T-Swift, but VODKA & DIET COKE? That’s disgusting.

How about a film depicting the founding of Phi Beta Sigma fraternity at Howard University?

Victim-blaming asshole.

No, this us still covered under “don’t be a rapist.”

How is this religion any more ridiculous than the popular religions?

This from the mouthpiece of an opportunist who only joined the Democratic Party so he could get on the ballot.

Consenting adults are adulting.

It’s not in there. That’s the Declaration of Independence. Which is fitting, in context.

He's a fake redneck but a real grifter.

That fuckstick is a fake redneck grifter and anybody who lets him influence their vote is a moron.

Nodoby should be surprised that he's a bully.

I'm Team White Walkers. Humans fuck everything up.

My neighbor. I was at a town council meeting last night where she respectfully pressed the mayor for an update on when a new police officer will be hired. She's a phenomenon.

Beyoncé on ‘Formation’: ‘Anyone Who Perceives My Message as Anti-Police Is A Moron And Probably A Little Bit Racist’

Fixed it.

I wonder what horrible sins she perpetrated in a past life to be reincarnated by a just universe as the woman destined to have sex with Ted Cruz.

Don't judge. It's a different culture.