Dementia? Or has he always been an asshole?
Dementia? Or has he always been an asshole?
What the actual unholy fuck.
It is very interesting to see the political party that touts family values and fiscal responsibility get behind a candidate who has been divorced twice, publicly admits he would like to date his own daughter, and has been bankrupt multiple times.
That is what I do, but as I write above, I wish I could do more. I am fortunate to be a state constable but nobody should have to use a badge to ensure women are treated decently.
It’s not in a law. but rather in a bill designed to pander to rightwing voters so, when it dies in committee or gets overturned by a court, the sponsors can say “Look how Jesus I am!” to their gullible local supporters.
You should not have to deal with this incident any more, even in your head, but your great friends maybe should be told about the not-so-great acquaintance who slithered into their great party. I am so sorry this shit happened to you.
When I listen to the misogyny experiences endured by EVERY WOMAN I KNOW, it becomes clear that too many men are behaving horribly EVERY GODDAMN DAY to women. My fellow men, DO NOT come at me with some version of “not all men.” I have seen too much and it infuriates me that I can’t do more to stop this shit from…
True pathos: “Fiorina, who is polling at 1.5% in Iowa, spoke for about 15 minutes before taking questions from the audience. The crowd was elderly” (From the Guardian article).
This charade was obviously arranged so the prosecutor, who’s in the bag for the cop union, could say “the grand jury met and didn’t indict the cop.” Technically true. They met for pizza.
He apparently had his intern do a Bible word search so he could cite a passage that had the word “liberty” in it. And IT’S THE WHOLE BALL GAME RIGHT THERE.
This guy makes me think about that grifter fuckstick who spawned “balloon boy.”
I think she might be trolling the nation even harder than Trump is, but not getting as much publicity.
Surrendering to a more powerful assailant does not equal consent. In the context of this event, as reported, “Dave” was the more empowered person of the two, and because he was told NO but proceeded to sexually assault the author anyway, he was a rapist.
Constitutionally, it’s the President telling Congress how things look and making suggestions for legislative action. It used to be a memo, not a speech.
awkward air-guitar gesticulations > bellowing racism to angry mob
The problem is with 24-hour cable news networks needing to fill time. The trend has become report what you think you heard, not report some accurate verified information.
It does give one paws.
Rock on. On an unrelated note, I’m very happy about how much respectful insight and support you have received about your question. Faith in humanity restored, thanks to Jezzies again.
You can always count on Texas to give us the most fascist, constitutionally ignorant, un-American politicians to ever defile what remains of our republic’s honor with their stupidity slime.