
I was invited by members. I also noted that Phi Beta Sigma was founded in part to counter the already-too-superficial expectations of the first black frats (for example, an unofficial “skin lighter than a brown paper bag” requirement), and liked the ethics of their foundation. It’s been interesting to be a minority in

I know the author and hope when you call her an “über-successful professional” you are being prophetic and not just suggesting she’s probably really good at using the car service.

Not exclusively. I am a Phi Beta Sigma member and I am as Nordic as you can get. The historically black frats and sororities are more welcoming than their traditonally white counterparts are.

Every time I play “Find the academic or volunteerism scene” with these things, I lose the game.

Those boots, tho.

She could take him.

Hypothesis invalidated. I know the author. It happened as she describes it.

Reeve Carney as Riff Raff is genius. He will crush it.

I pretend the prequels were just very bad fan fiction.

Attention anybody who plans to run out and buy some guns:
Budget lots of time on the firing range to make sure you can safely and effectively use any firearm you own, especially if the firearm is new to you. The Second Amendment to the Constitution does not magically confer competence, nor does a firearm purchase.

This legislation, like all anti-nudity laws that don’t treat all people equally regardless of gender, is by definition governmental sex discrimination.

Lindy West’s takedown of the real Love, Actually is thought-provoking af.

This new grifter-generated bullshit “tradition” is the worst of the holidays. Even worse than Drunk Bigot Uncle Parroting Fox News.

He’s not a Sith.

Kylo Ren is a Sith?

He added a sort of havin’-the-vapors Southern charm to the proceedings, which will be missed. The “closeted gay” jokes always seem a bit out of line to me, but his histrionic antebellum delivery of classic GOP warmongering was and is fascinating.

Apparently the imaginary terrorist monster god they worship demands she endure her husband’s maltreatment forever.

The overall buzz about the film is good, which makes me nostalgia-happy. I’ve dealt with the horrible “prequels” by pretending they’re just clumsy, amateurish fan fiction with no legitimate connection to the events of Episodes IV, V, and VI.

Taylor Swift is an ethereal elven princess and far beyond our petty likes and dislikes.