Jasmine Villanueva > Kourtney Kardashian
Jasmine Villanueva > Kourtney Kardashian
Why are we, as a modern civilization, allowing public policy exceptions based on unverifiable superstitions?
burrito = “little burro”
burro = ass
When you eat a burrito, you’re eating a little ass.
Carrie Fisher is the shit. “Gary’s bored as hell.” BEST INTERVIEW EVER.
Too much glurge.
The fact that we saw no public policy changes after the Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings pretty much proves that as a civilization we just don’t care. If twenty little kids getting killed didn’t motive change, nothing will. We’ll sacrifice a few victims every month and hope that the next incident doesn’t involve…
Don’t waste your time trying to communicate rationally to a cop apologist. They can only say what their uniformed overlords want them to say when not sucking badges.
Yum. Flat dessert.
Media companies exist to sell advertising. Why are we still surprised about this sort of inflammatory content?
I can’t decide which is more ridiculous: caring about the sex life of a mediocre football player, or the God-watches-you-fuck superstitions of that mediocre football player.
You guys, we can’t be surprised when the “Fox and Friends” wingnutbots say racist and sexist shit.
“An ounce of pretention is worth a pound of manure.”
Such honor and goodness!
Justin Bieber looks just like Miley Cyrus in this trailer.