
I like how he's doing whatever the fuck he wants these days.

Or he's lying. When you hear hoofbeats, think horses, not zebras.

Send in the federal marshals to forcibly remove her from office and install an honorable official who will respect civil rights.

Swedes better step up their game, yo.

The Irony-O-Meter went to eleven.

Uniforms? No. Instead let’s all try to stop being so freaked out about visible human skin.

Summer jam acquired.

There is a lot of Scandinavian blood out there in the Midwest.

We live in a world in which the Satanists often behave more honorably than many Christians do.


Wut. Two people on the internet arrived at the SAME PUN? Mind slightly blown.

We should paws and reflect on this.

He claimed he did a preflight check. He should have had a CAT scan done.

They narrowly avoided a catastrophe.

Nothing a quick CAT scan couldn't prevent.

She run the world.


Hmmm... this ruling could possibly be used to oppose those right-wingers who use taxpayer-funded government facilities to promote their religious behavior and opinions. Those prayers before government meetings and similar shenanigans surely may convey to the public that the government has endorsed that message.

Massive civil lawsuits will help force municipalities to reform their police departments. Cell phone video can be a powerful tool for those lawsuits.

I don't care what anybody else says, the Queen's hat is bangin.'