So-called modesty imposed upon a girl or a woman is oppressive. How about instead we all stop being so uptight about visible human skin?
So-called modesty imposed upon a girl or a woman is oppressive. How about instead we all stop being so uptight about visible human skin?
Now we know the answer to the age-old question "Who's a good boy?"
“Wedding = overwhelming pressure." Fixed it for you.
“Political correctness” is a nonsense phrase used by those who resist behaving with honor and courtesy toward populations other than their own.
Not serving certain PRODUCTS isn’t bigoted discrimination. Not serving a certain group of PEOPLE is.
A child molestation victim making excuses for her molester does not negate the molester’s crimes, especially when they are both subject to the same extremist cult run by adults who perpetrated a cover-up of the crimes.
The father contributes only one single cell to the entire process, and his decision-making power should be proportional to that contribution.
Shut the chapter down for four years, and then let the national organization repopulate the chapter locally after all the existing racist members and those who enable them are gone . Do it again if another offense occurs, this time permanently.
His casual dismissal of young girls’ privacy is right in line with his affection for child molester Josh Duggar. They are of the same horrible substance.
Which makes it easier to lodge the formal complaint.
This is what happens when you consent to being educated by religious cultists on their own turf.
What you do is call the flight attendant and describe to him or her what you saw and heard, in a loud enough voice to be herd by the perpetrator. He's admonished without you actually confronting him.
LOL old people.
Depends, If the "Rubs Fox News executives' bunions" Megyn shows up, it'll be lame. But if "Tolerates no bullshit Megyn" shows up, it'll be ok.
Taylor Swift is perfect in every way.
Cultists gonna cult.
This could all end very badly. I’LL MAKE THE POPCORN.
She is perfect in every way.
It’s a relatively obscure study with dubious importance, only brought to light for a petty political jab. And of course, more importantly, other people’s opinions must have no bearing on your civil rights.
The carnies are a thousand times more dangerous than the rides at a carnival.