
Kanye has to get it going on every 2.88 minutes. Someone check my math!

Civil rights are not subject to majority vote in the U.S.A.

It would turn out just fine, provided that baker would not make a cake that says "Gay People Are Great" for anybody else either.

If you ask for "Kinja Ninja" written on a cake with icing, the artist who makes the cake can choose to design such a cake, or not. The lettering is part of the design of that cake. The baker can deny your request based on the design you want, if such a design is not among their routine offerings, but the baker

The words on a cake are part of that cake's design. I hope you are enjoying the rabbit hole you've scurried down.

Yes it is writing on a cake. But it is also the design on the cake.

Both of your examples are design choices and a baker may limit what design choices are offered to the public, provided that baker limits such choices the same way to ALL customers regardless of their sex or race. This really isn't difficult to understand.

And she looks a bit like Kate Beckinsale so that's nice.

Gratuitous biting of lower lip is where it crossed the line. WE CANNOT HAVE IT.

Might be. And my sample of what's hip and happening in rural north Florida is a few years out od date.

I lived in rural north Florida (the buttcrack of the south) for 13 years and nobody there ever called southern girls "GRITS."

I suspect the Texas in "Ugh Texas" refers to the state government which is, regardless of individual residents, a horrible atavistic nightmare.

Yeah, that's all I could see too.

Sparky says "Whatevs, Tibetan Spaniels are still the best."

To be clear, you don't really want anybody to call you a repressed bitch, right? That would be mean.

Everybody should stop using the word "crotch." There must be a better word someplace.

Your question makes no sense. Do you have difficulty multi-tasking due to your cognitive impairment?

I am not surprised you feel pathetic. You inspire pity.

Nah, it's clear you are a fake.

She is heart-achingly, spirit-liftingly, peerlessly beautiful.