
Merry Christmas

10 minute clip with 3 commercial breaks? Bob’s shorts were longer than the actual clips of racing.

I usually don't comment on many of the technical issues discussed here in Jalopnik because I'm not very well versed on auto mechanics. However, since I was actually an engineer who worked with hydrogen for the Space Shuttle program (retired now) I cringe a bit at the idea of your local service station getting plumbed

And, if we look at the ranges of common electric cars, like the Leaf, that's about 80 miles, leaving only 26 or so for the next day, requiring a charge. Tesla can do 200+, so that's much better, of course, but that's not quite accessible to everyone. Yet.

This required an entire article to figure out? It's like asking Tim Cook if Android is the best mobile OS. Derp.

Yes, of course. Definitely the government and environmentalists fault. Couldn't possibly be that the corporation decided that that level of engineering wasn't cost-effective. No way.

Instructions not clear. Dick caught in propeller.

Does it come in Gulf?

Yes, because most Americans earn minimum wage? I can cherry-pick facts, too. America has more median income adjusted for buying power per capita than Australia.

Haven't seen it, but that thing is Bayad Ayass.

You mean the correct filter for his instagram pic of his dogs?

Plain fact is that the person who "stole" the car was under the employ of the dealer at time of the incident. It does not matter if he was fired an hour or a month after the incident; an employee of the dealership took the car and destroyed it.

Talking about the EVO is like complimenting a coma patient on being well-hung. Yes, it's like someone spliced horse DNA with him, but all he's done is shit a bed for 14 years.

It wasn't the "greater than 100mph" that killed them.

The P1, according to McLaren's Cheif Test Driver Chris Goodwin, has never once in all the miles of testing he has done ever run out of battery.

The stories got confusing for some because it was reported that the P1 needed two recharges of its battery to complete 1 lap of the Ring. What this actually means is that the

Then Olds translated the Fiesta name to their wagons. Before they called every wagon a "Cruiser".

Its a cock measuring game that McLaren knows they probably have won. At this point we are all waiting for Ferrari to release a time and their silence is damning as each day passes.

+1 to shit visibility hurting sporty feel. So many new cars suffer from this.