
Thank you. What I came here to say, but you said it better than I would have.

Did you miss the part where the invisible gas, and tiny, tiny molecules are very hard to contain, when they leak almost undetectable, and are incredibly flammable (given the pressure, explosive)?

Philosophy has no bearing, science does. He's spot on on the science of why its stupid. Lets move along.

Slow news day?


Its. So. Freaking. Ugly.

Treason? You either do not live in the United States, are very, VERY dumb, or insane (or all three?). First amendment. You cannot commit treason by writing a freaking article you imbecile. This is by far one of the dumbest things I have read, ever. And I read a lot.

In this category of car, it out sells every other model in this category (S class, BMW 7 series, Audi S8's, etc). So not really sure what makes a car prestigious (not my demo), but one could argue that if the above cars I listed are bought purely on a prestige basis, then ergo, the Tesla Model S is the most

Wish I could swing the P85D's cost; well I could but I'd have to also have purchase a van. To live down by the river in.

I would suspect part of his anger of not meeting projected sales figures is he knows damned well what is going to happen to at least a few of those cars - purchased by an auto manufacturer (or hell, any manufacturer), disassembled, reverse engineered from top to bottom, and expect a super crappy knock off that looks

Now playing

It was fantastic last year too, after 12 hours the top 5 cars were within a few seconds of each other, and was a tooth and nail finish for the 1st/2nd place cars:

ur vury smert

I think you might. There's a company called Tesla that's getting its shit together. Battery packs sure, but thats 8-10 years for no maintenance. The motors need to have the bearing repacked at 500,000 miles with some sort of graphite "stuff".

Actually do have a question, because I don't know the answer. Does anyone know what they could possibly be charged with (I don't think street racing is a thing you can be charged with), reckless driving, worse? And could the worst case scenario be a felony charge (assuming it plays out exactly like this, no accidents,

Empty road, and a driver I know (and can drive)? Maybe. And once. But whats the point. There's no trophy, no skill, its just throttle mashing and penis measuring.

yeah, but how many shades of grey?

Yeah, but how many shades of grey?

"Maintaining a vintage Russian Mig 17 is ridiculously complicated".

but dat weight transfer brau

Why do you say they are racing? Neither was going much faster than traffic, speeding maybe, and the Ferrari was sorta on the gas, but that didn't sound anywhere near like 9000 rpm when he shifted going past the camera car. Looks like to me a GTR was speeding (not excessively, just faster than the flow of traffic), and