
Even washington has rules on this, if your company has an employee handbook that details the firing process, or reasons a person can be let go, then the company can be sued for breach of contract because the handbook is the contract.

If this was a political firing, or an attempt to strong arm money by removing

But Bungie has no reason to downsize. In fact, they have been and are still hiring. Destiny is a 10 year series. And Marty has been with Bungie for around 20 years already; there's no reason to fire such a great composer.

The bubble burst. It's a shame how poor the memory of myopic businessmen is as their inability to recall how the dot-bombs and the Atari/ET fiasco of 1984 worked has led to this industry's rapid decline. :(

343 hire this guy NOW. This is your opportunity. Halo 4's sound track was lacking MASSIVELY because he didnt do it. Not only that but the game its self has lacking because that sound track makes the game and he didnt do it. DO IT!

Errr... I mean... If only someone would be a pal and buy it for me using the link you conveniently supplied us.

Want proof at how unpopular this love doll idol is? Nobody showed up to the Silicon Maru's meet-and-great. Nobody.

I think your angle on this article is weirdly anti-sex toy and anti-innovation. Clearly there ARE people who would want to play with a sex doll like this. If I saw this event happening I would for sure walk in.

Death Note alternate ending mayhaps?

Seems cool, too bad nobody has a Vita

A Martin wedding without at least three deaths is a dull affair.

But no one noticed him building it in the first place? Makes no sense.

OR he just hates the fact that people keep referring to a role he played almost 40 years ago.

This made me fucking cough up my drink.

Oh man, the Gamecube looks way better than I knew!

Gamecube version?

game cube?

To everyone else, this is what we PC gamers have. We're not a unified entity. You go Green, or you go Red.

*Takes out pitchfork* - I HAVE AN AMD YOU BASTARD

Actually, if it was supposed to be realistic, they'd never even be able to jump that high.

Wouldn't it be more realistic if he just broke his hand? I mean, still pretty bad.