
Even with that, Titanfall runs on everything. Even old-ass core 2 duos! And it's running on a modified but old-as-hell Source engine. I think it's going to be a while before we see games that are truly "next-gen", games that are night-and-day above (and better) than the current releases.

New systems never have truly "next-gen" games on launch day. They are usually just prettier versions of the games from last-gen.

Nothing about the new systems are next gen. Their graphics are what PCs have been doing for the last 3 or 4 years and NOTHING had changed with the game play. Just look at Second Son. Yea, it's pretty looking and runs great, but it's the same old boring and repetitive game play we've had for the last 15 some years.

The only reason to get a console is to play games that can't be played on pc...

That's the positive side effect of this. Games ported to everything push more gamers back to PC because those that do want the best experience and the consoles don't differentiate enough from each other to warrant playing anything other than thier exclusives, which is why I still buy consoles. Because an average PC

Fun fact, heels were originally exclusively men's wear, worn by warriors. So this picture is kind of accurate.

I'm making another damn thread to get that stupid picture out of the highlights.

Forget Samus, I want to know what the hell Luigi and Dedede are looking at!

Fun fact, when you get hit with the Sim City assist trophy online the player has to reset their router within 40 seconds or they get disconnected from the match.

Now playing


I've probably gotten into an argument or debate with people in near enough every Evil Within article on Kotaku.

The game looks decent, but it does *not* look like a return to the roots of survival horror...it looks like Resident Evil 4 (which I do not deny was a good game, is still a good game, but was the first

But they do in all the movies!

Rob Ford suddenly realizes he may need to do the same thing to win the next Toronto mayoral election:

Wrong outfit dude.

I don't even know what his spider-policies are and I want to vote for him!

If they have changed anything for the Remastered version let's hope tthey haven't changed the character models like they did with Tomb Raider. IMO the original face was much better.

The man knows what he's doing!

Well said . Well fucking said!

They probably are using witchcraft. I'm amazed on how well some recent PS3 and 360 games look. For 8 year old consoles they can still push stuff out the door. I've never been a graphics whore but I can easily go back to PS3/360 games and they look just fine. Where as going from PS3/360 to say PS2/Xbox the games start