if it runs this good on 360 they should get some of these guys to optimize the pc version
if it runs this good on 360 they should get some of these guys to optimize the pc version
Xbox 360's killer app is looking great. They'll beat XBox One yet. lol
My list of excuses to not upgrade to the newest generation of gaming hardware keeps getting longer...
Can't wait for the gritty reboot in a few years' time.
Black Archie would be the one in the metal suit.
Perhaps he'll be revived as a black Archie. More racial equality.
This, of course, will be followed up by a Reign of the Archies series of comics, with a four different versions of Archie.
I'm confused. How is it that this comic is able to get enough money to justify it continuing? Who's buying these comics? O-o
So is this comic for people born in the 1970s? Because I can't imagine this ever being relevant during any period of my lifetime.
But will he be coming back, using some out of the blue MacGuffin, ala every single comic book character who's 'shuffled off this mortal coil' ever???
That's... actually brilliant.
Microsoft takes this technology, uses it to determine when user is most frustrated, presents onscreen ad for booster item micro transaction.
Japan's version of the FBI didn't lock him up or put him on parole? WTF.
Eggman, is that you?
I have a hedgehog and mine has only bit me three times. Once when I first got him, the other two times he mistook my fingers for his food (just filled his bowl with cat food, which they can eat as long as it's low in fat and high in protein). He let go pretty quickly once he realised his mistake!
Haha I do believe you, but I've got a Hedgehog too ( we are talking about a pygmy right? not a wild one ), and had mine for just over 1 year, and mine it's pretty cool, never ever did bite me or anyone else, we play with him almost daily, and nope, not a problem with the food , cat food mostly but can eat some random…
Most of what you said about hedgehogs being crappy pets is true. They're dumb, scared of everything, tend to wander and get lost, fall off of things, and are too curious for their own good. However, it sounds like your hedgie was a bad apple and doesn't interact well with humans. I had a hedgehog for four years (I…