Man, those were the days.
Man, those were the days.
I disagree entirely. I think one of the most important messages we can send right now is terrorism is horrible.
Its easy to say terrorism is horrible and then never give it a second thought. It becomes a little harder when you watch a video of ISIS beheading innocent people. Or some kids that got blown up by roadside…
Agreed!!!! People want realism until the shit gets real then it’s how dare they! Not sure when it became not okay to show reality. I guess people really see terrorism as loony tunes. At the end everyone gets up and is okay.
The game is called modern war, and I took it in the context that terrorism was a part of modern war.
yeah. I just wish people would show this much outrage and make demands to stop when actual terror acts happen and not a video game depiction of one.
Most like to keep it at a distance, but act like they really give a fuck. They want to hear the story, but not see the pictures. They want to hear about the bombing, but not see the video of the guy getting bombed get torn apart. Seeing these things might actually make them feel something, how shameful.
agreed. it’s sad that so many people would rather pretend that this sort of thing does not happen and trying to go about their lives without even stopping to think about the suffering going on in the world.
All the people that think this mission is horrible and therefore should be removed seem to have missed the entire point of the mission.
Yes its horrible, thats the fucking point. Terrorism is horrible. And the best way to convey that message, is putting you in the middle of it.
I feel like it’s time that DC outs Bruce as being gay. Incredibly eligible bachelor, countless failed relationships, a recurring desire to work alongside young men...
And she’s not enough of a bad girl to keep Clark interested either. That’s why Lois was so much better. Not as powerful, but a lot naughtier.
He’s Batman. He always bring... protection.
Yes. That’s why we like him. He’s got far more flaws and vulnerabilities and mental issues.
Look at the picture again.
I’m big on the no date co-workers rules but some of them are so hot!
Booster Gold. One of the biggest assholes in all of the DC heroes line-up that somehow became decent.
Booster gold
Rules of thumb: