
It seems like there’s no true democracy anymore, only oligarchies made of the rich and the elite pretending to be democracies.

You keep claiming that but I keep re-reading the story and I don’t see anything about multiple contacts for any length of period of time. The story says that the Facebook lawyers contacted them demanding that they hand over everything on this fan/developer site for free and the only thing they would give them is time

Well, there’ll be plenty of options for that route in the near future. I would love to experience a VR survival horror game myself but I unfortunately have depth perception issues. On plus side, I save a ton on battery life on my 3DS because my slider is always in the 2D position.

As long as it is a possible future, that’s all that matters to me.

It’s chump change for a multibillion dollar corporation, especially one that was willing to spend $2 billion on the buyout.

del Toro keeps wanting to try his hands at making games despite all the set backs and Kojima makes games but I swear he wants to make movies based on his movie length cut scenes, they could compliment and help each other out.

I’m personally hoping that Guillermo del Toro and Hideo Kojima come together and make an independent game studio. One of the projects I would like to see them do is a project based on what Silent Hills were supposed to be. Until that happens, this project looks like it might be a very good alternative.

Coming soon... Uncharted: Natalie’s Fortune

If you potentially have a multibillion dollar corporation by the cajones and want to take this said multibillion dollar corporation for a ride, you’d ask for a lot more then tens of thousands of dollars. Since the site is a legitimate fan/developer site and has been one for years it only strengthen his case as to not

But lawyers do and fighting Facebook lawyers isn’t cheap. If Facebook would of just agree to pay to move the site and a new domain name for site before demanding that they just hand over a fan site for free and threaten litigation, this wouldn’t be happening. Hell, this wouldn’t be happening if they just bought the

What I’m saying and have been saying that this isn’t clear cut cyber squatting as people are trying to make it out to be. If it was they were just cyber squatters they would not only be asking for much more but they’ve would of also done nothing with site which has been exemplified by Sony’s, Microsoft’s and

What also bothers me is that they also did try to register the domain name before and while it was on KickStarter which would of circumvented this form even happening.

Don’t you knwo, according to modern overtly politically correct logic, you can only be racist against people of color as there is no such thing as racism against Caucasian folks.

I think your tin foiled hat person here. By all appearances this is a legitimate fan/developer site that has been used for years so it’s not simple cyber squatting which by law makes it not cut and dry s you’d like it to be.

Yet there are fan sites like nitnedolife.com and PlayStation Universe that have the companies name and/or product in it and they’re allowed to exist.

Are you Facebook’s lawyer or something?

Also for legal fees and moving of assets, none of which are cheap.

Then they should fought it back in 2012 not now three years later. 58 grand is petty penitence for a big corporation like Facebook

Do you think website hosting is cheap or moving of those assets are cheap, how about legally fighting Facebook because none of them are cheap. True squatters like the ones Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo had to deal with were brazen, asked for much more and did nothing with website domain name.

Just click on site and see the site has been extensively used for years as a fan site. Also true squatters ask for much more than 58 grand. Hosting is not cheap, moving of assets isn’t cheap and legally fighting Facebook isn’t cheap.