The website was created in 2012 and Facebook bought out Oculus one year ago so my question is why wait three years to try and obtain it?
The website was created in 2012 and Facebook bought out Oculus one year ago so my question is why wait three years to try and obtain it?
That’s what he asked for and they denied him of that. True squatters ask for much more.
If they were really just squatters they would be asking for more than just 58 grand.
True squatters also ask for millions on dollars. The 58 grand is probably just to cover the website hosting fees, moving of assets fees and legal fees.
This a good example of why Oculus being bought out by Facebook was bad. Only a big corporation with a big ego would treat its longtime fans and supporters like excrement.
He or she could be but there is no evidence either way.
It’s because interbreeding which has been going on for a long time. Just because your great grandfather/grandmother or great great grandfather was [insert race or ethnicity here] doesn’t take away the fact that it is part of you or your ancestry.
You don’t read do you or pay attention do you, how convenient for to have this cognitive dissonance She/he says in first sentence, in fact the first couple of words, that they’re a Indian American (Native American) and then in next couple sentences talks about symbols that relate to his/her background as well as how…
The key words you missed are “would of been” which is past tense as I doubt Bioware is going to patch or add DLC to a game that is over 5 years old. I also really dislike the choices that Bioware gives the player for a gay romance as most of the characters, especially gay male characters, are either stereotypically…
Would of been great if Bioware added it as an official patch or free DLC for consoles. Alistair is more the type of guy I’m attracted to anyways.
Is that Livewire and is she a good guy/gal now?
I’m predicting an incoming New 2DS announcement.
Nah, I disagree. With the games installs being around 30GB to 50GB and with patches being multiple GBs or even 10s of GBs, I would say about 3TB or 4TB is more ideal for PS4 and the Xbox One especially in the long run of their lives. Unfortunately for PS4 owners, they can only upgrade 2TB as that is what current…
Yes, they have no moving parts which means less heat and it’s quicker with both reading and writing times, even if your computer is old. Your computer just needs a SATA connection or some sort of converter to take advantage of most SDDs on the market. It really does help with the heat issue and speeds up a computer…
Probably the design more then the metal. While yes, metal is good as a heat sink but the way it designed, it doesn’t cool off fast enough. The heat just lingers there in metal and builds up. The built-in fans are inefficient at cooling and if you were to ever open it up, the hardware tends to be layered on top of each…
I have an old netbook with specs close to that except it runs an early version of Intel’s Atom cpu which was slow even when it was new and is only a 32-bit processor. Between that and my mid-2009 MacBook Pro, I going to need to upgrade to a better computer soon in the near future.
Big deal, my 17-inch Macbook Pro is from mid-2009 and still runs like champ; although, I do agree with you the overheating issue. I personally blame the metal case for that issue.
Why did you use the Boogie Nights version?
I need to learn photoshop so I can create a decent “SHUT UP AND TAKE MY ENERGON” meme based off the Futurama one. I sort of can’t believe one doesn‘t already exist.
These look very good. Love it that Starscream come with the crown from the original movie; although, he’s missing his glorious pimp cape.