I fucking lost it at this block. I was falling back like an And 1 mixtape entourage.
I fucking lost it at this block. I was falling back like an And 1 mixtape entourage.
In 40 years of watching sports, there were only 2 games that I thought were more or less “fixed,” in that the refs were doing everything they could to favor one team over the other, the Lakers v Kings, to get the series to a Game 7 (where the FTs were 27/33 LAL v 16/30 Kings, so fairly even), and the Duke v. UNLV…
Kid better watch out. Next time he’s up the tee will be inside the batter’s box.
Jokes on you guys, because Arsenal are going to become masters of finishing third when that happens.
If it retains the A5's hatchback then I approve. Sedans are pointless. All cars should be hatches, even if they look like sedans.
Don’t you just hate it when Toffees get stuck in your teeth?
I was just watching this game, saw the goal and then the many subsequent replays of the goal, so I already knew the goal was amazing without playing the video, and yet, at the same time, I had to watch the clip here, for to do otherwise would have been depraved and immoral.
It does, actually. It’s like a very squeaky, very quiet fart.
They’d just cut holes in the floor and crawl out.
Georgia Tech fans are posting about The Lord of the Rings while FSU fans admit to not grasping the basic rules of the game. Looks like those comments are still firmly planted on the rails to me.
oh man oh man
I need to leave the page immediately and call my sponsor.
I think what Goodell is trying to say is that he personally believes that U.S. Americans are unable to do so because, uh, some, uh, people out there in our nation don’t have maps and, uh, I believe that our education like such as in South Africa and, uh, the Iraq, everywhere like such as, and, I believe that they…
The article where the helpful police officers got back the items that the careless, thinly-veiled racist tourists left in their car? Yep, you’re probably going to be murdered for beer.
Uhhh, if someone is trying to pass you and you aren’t moving over, you are doing it wrong. Sure, ideally you won’t have to slow down at all, but holding someone up just because you don’t want to hit cancel on your cruise control is a dick move.
The most shocking part of this story is that Matt Leinart still had an extra $25k around in 2013.
Even though this broadcast is horseshit, and I mostly agree, Michael Bamberger did address DJ and the disco dust suspension on Saturday.
Hakeem, Dirk, Nash, David Robinson also won MVPs and never get hated on.