
Well shit make sure your kid gets into visual effects

You watch all these documentaries today and think “damn, people were fucked up back then,” then this serves as a convenient reminder that nothing has changed whatsoever

That has to be a uniquely (and, sorry, terrible) modern American concept- creating your own “identity” while turning your back on generations of family history. Whether we like it or not, it’s bigger than ourselves- I guess it’s just an opinion but I think that’s pretty cool and worth honoring (all this goes out the

It’s an entry level a7. How could you possibly complain about that

“Worse tendencies”? Did your editors also retire to Italy?

It’s not phil’s fault he ran out of characters. NBA Jam is what he meant. Stephen Curry reminds him of Abdul Rauf in NBA Jam.

Maybe white folks agree that using Katrina as a prop is unnecessary and in poor taste. Just because she can pronounce Louisiana correctly doesn’t mean she knows shit about what happened a decade ago.

According to the TV every morning, Chris manages his moderate to severe blood clots with Xarelto, so he can play golf with Arnold Palmer and Kevin Nealon.

All the sad pity I felt after SuperSalad is gone.

Sadly (very sadly), thats the truth- why should NFL owners be treated any differently than all other billionaire business owners (or comparitively sized public companies)?

The saddest part is the fact that all these people felt the need to record the excitement of a field goal winning a meaningless game against a shitty team.

911. And I still want one, but have to remind myself every time I’m tempted that they’re just miserable if you’re over 5’10”. I tried to pretend having my knees above my elbows was comfortable, but no matter how sweet the drive that gets old after a couple minutes

Wait am I supposed to be offended by gringo all of a sudden?

Just curious- are you from Texas? It would explain a lot. Anyways what gives him the right to block anyone?? We need vigilante traffic cops like we need vigilante cops shooting wildly at shoplifters. Just like the Home Depot shooter, this Lincoln endangered a lot more lives “sending a message” than the Mazda would’ve

Driving (not passing) in the left lane is against the law in most states just as much as aggressive driving is. There’s no excuse for sitting in a lane going the same speed as the car next to you- the guy trying to get by could just be a dick, he could be rushing someone to the hospital- the point is, you dont know

Damn this is depressing.

One of these sites needs to switch out the ‘salary’ and replace it with “work study paycheck” or even better, no money at all: you start with a few SUV’s, three Dodge Chargers, two no-show jobs and some tattoos, and you have to dole them out accordingly.

Maybe just maybe people spend money on things specifically so they don’t have to waste time learning every bs detail? Because they’re busy doing the things that allowed them to afford them in the first place?

Google Flynn’s wife, add that to the national championship he won in college, and read his breakdown above. Then be depressed you’ll never live the best life possible

I thought the same thing, along with “hey, shouldn’t we maybe finish the job in Afghanistan first?”