
These kinds of bikes aren’t street legal for very valid reasons, not to discriminate against black kids. These aren’t martyrs- a lot of people are ‘banding together, putting down the guns’ by taking up activities that are not illegal and dangerous- focus on that maybe? Or the many legitimate motorcycle clubs that are

It’s the only thing that works- was driving in Italy and just like Germany those dudes are fanatics about the left lane. Even if you’re just passing somebody, some BMW wagon will roll up HARD on your bumper, freak the shit out of you and make you pull that Fiat back over where it belongs. I loved it, even being on the

I swear to you in Texas they must teach drivers to stay in the left lane at all costs, no matter what. Literally 95% of left-lane hogs in the Southeast have Texas plates on.

Wait National Enquirer figured they’d sell more issues with an ‘exclusive’ chat with a washed up Cosby than an expose of him being a rapist?

Hitting a guy in stride 50-odd yards down the field requires the same precision as threading it between 2-3 players. If Donovan has to wait or change directions for it, play’s dead.

Goal of le sommer.

The correct analogy is the user denying being generally aware his trainer was shooting PEDs in his butt. So yes, Clemens is subject to discipline.

It means that if anybody asked you or me or anybody about something we’re generally aware of, we’d acknowledge being generally aware of it. Especially if it involved two underlings regularly conspiring to break rules for your benefit. It’s really not difficult to understand.

Doesn’t get more Italian than that coach.

Does Don Yee (and an interesting number of comments here already) realize that a ‘sting operation’ would have involved the NFL following that dude into the bathroom (or having it wired for video) to catch him in the act? They didn’t ‘sacrifice the integrity of the game’ by letting it happen- they took the Colts tip

Blake’s reaction is everything- you’d react the same if this was pick up at the Y, but nope, just the Western Conference Semis.

Yes there is a solar powered car, it’s called a Tesla hooked up to a solar-recharged Powerpack.

you mean Mrs. Coach.

Nothing beats Butler. I cant describe how badly I want to live in the world where we get to watch that on repeat every March and relive that entire story. It wouldve been all of the Cinderellas and buzzer beaters rolled into one perfect ending. Bonus that it was because of what would now be an boneheaded call by Coach

Neither was the editor, apparently.

I'm more impressed with Fox Sports producing completely different feeds for each market. I always assumed they just had announcing teams working off the same feed, not that they were actually producing separate angles/highlights/etc.

You're probably right, but I feel religion does play a big part in setting the stage for a lot of those issues: it's inherently divisive, where ideally there's you the believer and then there's the Others, the non-believers. You may not be taught to look down on them, but the fact is you're better than them- and

"The most successful Soviet-designed car?" There's no way they sold more Nivas than Rivas, which also has it beat on being more purely iconic. But I'm glad you picked the Niva- I grew up in a country filled with 80s-era Ladas, and it brings back quality memories (while the Riva was designed to depress anyone who saw

You're accepting that running the clock down was the right thing to do. Maybe if you're down three on the 20, but this proved why you don't get cute when you absolutely need a TD- you score when you can and trust your defense to do its job. They easily could've lined up and run it three times there.

I didn't understand it either until I ended up looking for a midrange midsize sedan that didn't make me hate my midrange midsize sedan life. I loved my 03 Accord so I thought I'd just get another but it felt so tired and boring- same thing with everything else in the segment. Yeah the entertainment system needed to