You prefer rapists and their enablers to goofs who say mean things. Got it.
You prefer rapists and their enablers to goofs who say mean things. Got it.
Why don't you guys ever mark the weekly John Oliver story as sponsored content?
You know what’s funny? Come November, Donald Trump will still have a job and all you deadspin faggots are gonna have to suck even more cock for ramen noodle money
Said the nincompoop commenting on a story entitled “ what’s the wildest conspiracy theory you believe”
Better run off and find a cave to hide in while the gettings good. Once President Trump is in office he's gonna send a death squad after you for calling him names. Seriously, go hide now, I'll let you know when it's safe to come out.
Kaine and unable
Hopefully, they dipped the flag in a barrel of smallpox before they placed it on the dunt
Kids say the darndedest things, just this morning my 16 month old asked me why Lavar Arrington was playing badminton with Maria Von Trapp
Will you guys still be able to ruin people's lives and get them fired for saying dumb stuff on the Internet?
Sad to see how far these comment boards have fallen
There’s this thing called the Internet. And on it are things called “apps”. no I’m not talking about jalapeño poppers, I mean applications that allow you to watch "TV” channels on your “device”
I was gonna say that some gawker media homo (no offense gay birds) lecturing about the highest use of the Internet made me throw up in my mouth a little bit. But it turns out that upon reading that passage the turd in my shit slicer canal reversed course, traveled north thru my intestines, up into my gullet and was…
I’m glad those fucking whiners got raped
Fuck you Schilling! My forefathers died fighting at Bunker Hill so someday mentally disturbed men would have the right to tuck their dick and balls between their legs and take a shit in a ladies room.
She’s too fugly to sexually harrass
Don’t you self righteous cocksuckers ever get tired of being self righteous cocksuckers?
I'd been contemplating a new username
Why in the name of God would you tie yourself down to 1 broad if you’re a young guy with bank and why wouldn’t you have dumped her sloppy drunk ass the last time she got you in trouble? He really is stupid
this will now only result in the type of people who send dick pics to now inundate her with a flood of the most vile photos imaginable from anonymous sources. Good thing she’s hot cause she sure is dumb.
Anybody anywhere who supports any political canidate enough to post their opinion about that canidate anywhere on the Internet is automatically an incredible asshole