everything rhymes with orange

If you can’t afford a $10K fine, you’re not a big baller.

Haha... (stops and looks around the room). Wait. Should I be laughing? Your response was funny. Right?

Three serious questions:

Without the editor’s notes, this would be extremely awkward. With them, it gave me the giggles. It is almost... dare I say, kinja worthy? Hire this man.

New York Nicks?

Let me jump the gun on the nerd-blasting here by prefacing...
“A slightly longer, long time ago in a galaxy far...” you get the idea.

Now playing

It’s as likely to suck as not. One thing that could make it suck less is if they get the timeline right with Han Solo as a time traveler. See Because Science episode here.

I think we’d all agree that this is both awesome and ridiculous as it pertains to the outcome of footy matches. It is also, however, the most plausible explanation for how Donald Fucking Trump ended up in the White House.

Who the fuck is Dennis Rodmanon?

What’s with that picture? Was he sentenced to being buried up to his waist in the sands of Tatooine? That won’t hide his erection either!

Even though the headband lets this blend nicely with this pasty hooligan’s skin tone, I feel like it was a missed opportunity not to also trash the hairline.

Dibs on the band name “Manic Pixie Dream”!

I don’t doubt that this is the mindset for trading down, but I don’t think they have any intention of keeping pick 3. So, we can read into it further than them not liking Fultz - I don’t think they like anyone in the top 5.

Right. Cause Kyrie doesn’t need the ball and is soooo good at making plays for others.

If by Cleveland, you mean Milwaukee. Then yup!

Dammit. You are a god among insects.

But... less than Lebron leaving Cleveland.

I love the conversation that this has started. It’s cool hearing so many viewpoints. I feel like there’s one more topic that should be kicked around. Personally, even though the W’s are not my team, I thoroughly enjoy watching them play. I love seeing the game played at the highest level. And despite the Thunder

I’m not sure I can take him at face value with that. Playing for the Warriors would have to look extremely attractive either way. And I realize others may look at it differently, but I don’t see the difference in him joining the team that eliminated them over any other. A reasonable person could even argue that an

No one is arguing that the charity money is what people didn’t like about Lebron’s decision. Nor do I think you can use this against KD. Just because Lebron raised enough of other people’s money to make a charitable donation doesn’t mean every free agent should now be expected to do that in perpetuity.