
I’m just impressed that he was pro-death penalty up until that point but then admitted changing his mind since then when presented with other facts that he wasn’t comfortable with. I have never understood why in politics changing your mind when presented with new information has been so unseemly or a sign of weakness.

I think this administration is going to be full of good and boring people.

Which is pretty much what I want, especially after the last one.

So get a fucking biometric gun safe. When my wife and I decided to get a handgun, a safe was of course a requirement. And what we ended up with was one that offers access through either a button combination, or a biometric fingerprint. If I REALLY need access to the gun, I can get it in about one second.
Having them

Well, yes an no. Modern firearms theology says to keep your guns locked up when not in use, but that is far from a universal agreement. Some people like this nut feel unsafe unless they have instant access to a loaded “gun” at all times. Which is nonsense of course, but it’s a common point of view.

Loaded or not, this whole thing was still performative. Pathetic.

Why are we even still using gender as a dividing line in sports?? Why don’t we just test hormone levels or some other such thing depending on the sport, and make two or three or four classes? Dividing by gender, either biological or identified, just doesn’t make much sense anymore. 

username checks out.

Call me a cynic, but I fully expect these assholes to all land on their feet eventually, because the world is unfair and annoyingly kind to mediocre white people.

A friend of mine is an ER physician and really reacts to this sort of article. If it isn’t proven, do not report it, is his constant refrain.

If he pardons the marauders, his conviction in the Senate is very much more likely.

The part that I find humorous is the individual moments before they all get arrested. Like they had this great master plan, that unexpectedly didn’t work out!
Richard Barnett: “So as long as we’re out of state, we’re safe! What are they going to do? Use my hard earned tax money to come all the way over here and arrest

“You know....morons.”

If I had the choice of having the shit beaten out of me once or having to endure these constant microaggressions, I’d curl up and take the beating. It’s just a song, a flag, a statue, a... stop making such a big deal outta nothing. Our traditions and heritage is way more valuable than your feelings. I wish I had the

My take on the Capitol “storming” as an Australian is like this:

Oh I’m sure they will.

I don’t know why but all I can think is “How the hell you go and get fired on your day off?”

the thought that Mango Unchained is probably freaking the fuck out over this (more that he has no Twitter to rant to than the fact that he was just impeached a second time) makes me very happy. (No one tell him he has a room for holding press conferences that he could use literally whenever he wants.)

Travolta needs to add to the tweet “Up his nose with a rubber hose!”