
Oh silly! *tussles your hair*

That’s my little angel!

Well aren’t you a unique and beautiful little snowflake.

I’m just going to go a head and say it:

Did they just rip off a few seconds of that old apple ad and replace the dude on the screen with Hillary?

This what just about every cop in my town drives:

10/10 would hoon.

I’m pretty sure bringing a video of a volcano in place of your experiment would result in an automatic F.

Negative points for spelling tire with a “y”.

With the current state of mobile OEMs, I’m frankly a little surprised that there isn’t a standard that simply allows people to roll their own laptops. That’s what this basically is- but not.

These people look like fucking idiots. Even if I knew nothing about them; Meeting them for the first time I’d definitely be double checking their math as they bagged up my groceries.

This is a little complicated by the fact that Valve did not offer bug bounties and yet this individual came out and cracked one, while being indignant about not receiving one (Or an at least an acknowledgement) - The issue is derived from the nature.

When you are an awful person about things you are entitled to; It is generally understood that you should be less entitled to them in direct proportion to said awfulness.

If you’re this brilliant and obviously that troubled (I’ve hit some tough shit and bailed on a degree myself) — Don’t give up like that. If you’re looking for military contract money then keep trying and build some prototypes- the military buys cool ideas from people. Build a proof of concept and you’ll be paid to

The design and execution wouldn’t be terrifically impressive given the fact that it’s been many years since anyone has attempted to engineer and manufacture aircraft of this speed envelope in any significant way. This is because it’s silly in the same way that the SR-71 was silly. Science in materials and that which

I don’t know what his sexuality has to do with any of this.

Nice stealth reference bro.

This is an incredibly neat idea.

+1 BTTF Reference

I live in British Columbia, on Vancouver Island- These people are parasites and need to be stopped.