
I’m convinced that this is why some parents are so rabid about hounding child-free folks to reproduce. It honestly never occurred to them that not having kids was an option, and they don’t want someone else to “get away with it”.

....the tree had been dead for two years, so a basic yearly landscape inspection would have prompted a pretty simple “let’s remove the swing attached to the tree that will instantly collapse and kill anyone who swings on it.”

SHOCKINGLY, amenities at hotels are inspected for safety- pools, gyms, saunas, ect. Most likely, had this been a hotel, safety standards would’ve meant that the swing wouldn’t have existed in the first place. I know, I know, logic is hard sometimes for the “any regulation is the death of everything because

Men have an advantage when it comes to sex as most of society focuses on the male orgasm as the goal of sex.

And yet, when Obama claims that he was a Constitutional Law professor, he has the creds to back him up. And when he says that he was President of the Harvard Law Review, again his creds back him up. And when he says he was born in Hawaii, his birth certificate backs him up. And when he says he was an Illinois Senator,

The “talks too much” thing made me want to punch through a wall. How dare your SO want to talk to you! Maybe her “low sex drive” is just her not wanting to fuck someone who shushes her when she’s speaking.


I’ve never understood the “is he/she close to their family?” deal breaker. What if his/her parents were abusive, or their family are a bunch of assholes?

God, how badly I want somebody to reply to that and say Dr. Carson, I’d like to ask you a few questions Barack Obama faced when he was running for president the first time and then ask:

Many of my arch-conservative friends keep complaining about the “liberal” media falsely attacking Carson, while simultaneously complaining about how that same supposedly liberal media always giving Clinton a free pass. Reality. What a concept.

Well, I mean, technically he is correct — no one ever asked Obama or Clinton why they lied about meeting Gen Westmoreland or pretended to stab a guy or invented stickup or created an imaginary Most Honest Student award at Yale that makes so sense. So they’ve never faced exactly the kind of scrutiny that Carson has.

Perhaps several committees. Hard to believe she’s been slipping under everyone’s radar while Ben Carson suffers this horrific abuse.

Anyone have a couple or 16 hours to spare?

He also claims Obama never got any scrutiny. It’s kind of amazing—as with the rest of his lies, he seems to be so divorced from reality that he truly doesn’t understand that something doesn’t become true just because he pretends it is.

Yeah, Hillary’s gotten a free pass. Someone should form some kind of committee or something.

Maybe because people will criticize her personality no matter what? The male candidates can be rude arrogant crazy assholes and spout off all kinds of crazy bs and people will think they seem powerful. Hillary has decades of political experience and has been pretty effing amazing in the campaign and people still

It can take time and patience to learn, for sure.

My best friend and I met because we were in love with the same guy. He picked her. They broke up a while back.

I just don’t understand why you would want to put down a woman that is prettier or cooler or smarter than you. I want to make those women my friends, so I can stare at their hair and bask in their general awesomeness. I want to be around them, not destroy them.

It is fucking exhausting, and yeah, our minds are always running. If it’s not “Oh, that woman is so damn gorgeous and I’m not. Pretend to be confident!” to “OMG she looks flawless...why can’t I get myself to look that good? How long does it take her?” then “was I nice enough to that person who smiled at me earlier