
Men will never get along. It’s just in their DNA. They are constantly fighting over territory, political power and the attention of women.

Hey look, I can make sweeping generalizations too!

We get along pretty well, actually.

And I bet they will get almost universal praise for it, too. Like when a toddler uses the actual potty for the first time. The bar is low, very low for these guys.

- likes women. I mean genuinely likes women. Not just for sex, but as people. (the opposite of a misogynist)

by not trying to empathise with you, i am not the one missing out.

you are missing the point—if you could see every woman as just another person and not someone to try to impress because “sex”, you wouldn’t need any more confidence to speak to them than you need to speak to men. if you need confidence to be able to speak to anyone at all, then that is perhaps something to address

I knew a few players when I went to MIT. Ahh, the memories...

Ah, the age-old tale: “but that’s MY DNA now!”

Absolutely - and she’ll get called a bitch for it. Women are constantly told they should lower their standards in dating, and made to feel bad for having any “dealbreakers” at all. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with guys having specific things they want in a mate, but this also shouldn’t be wrong for women

Exactly. It’s no longer quite as bankable to be a virulent, unabashed misogynist so they’ve changed the rules, but are still playing.

But, wait: Only their daughters are people.

and i didn’t to you, yet you just come back telling me to shut up. so if we’s gunna play like that, fuck off and no one cares about your opinion of what women look for in a man.

NP and no need to apologize! It’s just that we live in a world where I think women (particularly as they get older) are constantly accused of being “picky” if they have ANY requirements when it comes to dating, while no one ever seems to criticize men for this. You’re shallow if you care about what someone looks like

this and prada’s response super rub me the wrong way; they’re teetering on mansplainy. carls was super clear about people needing other specifics and these things being the general bare minimum, about 1/3 tongue in cheek, and a lament about how men aren’t raised to possess these basic ass qualities in being a decent

We are not any more complicated than you are!! :)

Have they ever passed a man who did not pass the physical benchmark tests because his written test scores were great? Until you know the answer to that question, you can’t really know if she was passed simply because she is a woman.

When talking to women, make your only goal to have entertaining and fun conversations with them, and nothing else.

You can be what a woman wants and still not “have” her. It’s important that that is known and accepted.

Because "female" is an adjective and "woman" is a noun. Since we're looking for a word to modify "firefighters" in the headline, "female" is the correct term.

I have a female family member that is a firefighter with the National Forest Service (probably not the technical name, sorry!) and I swear, the harassment and abuse that she and ALL of the other women have to endure is enough to turn your stomach. I’ve often thought that her story—and others—would make an excellent