
Nevermind that she’s not even a fucking “teenager” — she’s 12 — in what fucked up universe does a much older, strange man coaxing a 12 year-old into a bathroom = “consent”?

What’s more likely here: that a 12 year-old, who just so happened to look 18, also so just happened to run into a romantic stranger who coerced

I get where you are going with this, however, I think you are missing the point. As consumers of media and “the present,” we need to be aware and cognizant of attitudes that were in the past, so that we can improve and be socially conscious. We as people can say, “Huh, this thing that people seem to really like right

You’re the kind of person that believes there were “good” slave owners, aren’t you?

Ok, but no. There were gay people back then, too.

She did not consent. She is a child, the age of consent is 17 and she is 12. Therefore, no consent.

It implies that the fault lies with the girl for not fighting back enough, and that the age factor is the only thing that puts fault on the man.

they totally do!

When anyone is brutalized, anywhere and anytime, it is on the attackers and the people preaching hate. Not the people advocating acceptance.

Existing in public and even sharing aspects of one’s personal life in the public domain does not mean one forfeits the right to be treated respectfully. What Teigan is experiencing via social media is reflective of what happens in person for millions of pregnant women that don’t have her visibility - people offering

When you post a bowl of your fruity pebbles to thousands of people, it isn’t unreasonable for someone to comment that dyes aren’t really healthy for the baby.

If they had been all men, would it still have been a publicity stunt?

I was having a “discussion” with someone about sending astronauts to mars. He stated the first team should be all male, to prevent “space babies”.

In most of the households I know, neither one can build a fence or fix a door, etc. Repairing drywall is easy so that’s no biggie. But in the current era just about everyone I know hires someone to do these annoying, not very common repairs.

Michael Chabon has a book of essays on fatherhood, and in one of them he talks about how whenever he goes out with his kids, like say to the grocery store, he gets all kind of head-petting for being an awesome dad... which his wife never gets in the same situation. We really do have low expectations of men.

welcome to the reality that women have been living for hundreds, if not thousands, of years.

Actually, women work more hours outside than home than in decades past, but men haven’t picked up the slack at home to a corresponding degree.

This. I have been cooking all my life and I am pretty good at it, but my ex took exactly one cooking class and suddenly he is following me around the kitchen realizing my onions because the dicing was uneven.

Same here! My husband has a way lower threshold for bathroom grunginess than I do, so he’s always done that cleaning. But there was one year that he stayed at home with our kid because he was sick of a dead-end low-paying job and I had a more intense higher-paying one, and he got SO MUCH CREDIT from everyone for

Men think they deserve praise for what women are expected to do.

where’s the anthony bourdain of cleaning!?!