I really think that a person’s S.O. is a reflection of who they are and how they want to be in the world.
I really think that a person’s S.O. is a reflection of who they are and how they want to be in the world.
OK, this just depends on the way that you value relationships in general. If you are looking for a SO that fulfills ALL of your needs, then I guess you can afford not to care if your SO and friends don’t get along. But if you view an SO as a person that you weave into the intricate relationships of your life, it does…
Yeah, if none of your friends like your S.O. it's a pretty big red flag. Either for your S.O. or your friend group.
And it depends why you dislike them too. I have a good friend whose husband frequently bores all of us to (well concealed) tears, but who is essentially a good guy. To that I say each to their own.
For me, having a SO who has friends I don’t like isn’t a dealbreaker. People don’t always get along, and shouldn’t be forced to. So long as it isn’t ALL of their friends. EVERYSINGLEONEOFYOUISANASSHOLE may be a pretty clear sign that that person is not right for you.
Love how these babies can’t take a three-hour debate or a few tough questions, but Hillary was grilled for 11 hours by a hostile Congress who pulled this crap to make a political point. If she gets the nomination, she will absolutely wipe the floor with the Republican nominee.
Please, the only one who is obsessed here is you. You can’t stop commenting on everyone’s posts making snarky remarks about her when you can just scroll past. It bothers you like hell that a girl likes herself. It’s her career, why should she hide? Or why do you think women have to be humble? Do we ask the same of…
I’m not all in on the Hillary wagon but yes, it can’t be denied that she has decades of experience being excoriated by critics, she can handle it by now and dish it out.
This is actually a fairly frequently expressed perspective in understanding responsibility for the Holocaust. Think of it this way: if someone is a monster, he can’t help but behave in a monstrous way—scorpion and the frog and all that. A monster can only act like a monster. A human being, like Hitler, who could make…
Have you been to Germany? That’s about all they do. There’s an enormous amount of discussion of the past and their unfettered guilt for it. And how to reconcile it with the present. You literally can’t walk 10 minutes in Berlin without physically encountering it. Just because we only see a couple glimpses of it here…
You didn't. You misread. It's saying that calling him a monster relieves him of responsibility.
I love how the definition of parading is pretty much being relatively attractive, wearing something other than a mumu, and walking from Point A to Point B.
[Many women] accept as a fundamental the notion that men will enter our space in ways we find uncomfortable, and it’s up to us to navigate this territory without angering them.
Every time I go out and get a disapproving look from an older white gentleman I know that I’ve achieved greatness.
“Are you comfortable with the men in your life behaving as though they obviously have rightful dominion over any and all women in the vicinity?”
I just think anyone who hears “Please don’t do that it makes me uncomfortable and I don’t like it.” and doesn’t change their behaviour is an asshole.
Fuck everyone! Fuck that woman and her “leggings arent pants” shit and fuck every single one of these people on this panel in particular.
But it is. He won’t let her leave the house or go to the bathroom until she “pays” the hug tax, and if she refuses he physically dominates her. Controlling someone’s access to the bathroom, in particular, is so fundamentally wrong that I don’t think “borderline abusive” is too strong a descriptor.
I wonder if he enforces the “hug toll in front of company.