
Totes convincing. Tell us more about the 13 year old “women” that older men should be allowed to fuck.

No it is not true. It’s something you’re very committed to espousing to justify men preying on children for sex. You chanting “girls are three years more mature than boys” doesn’t make it a fact. It makes you transparent.

14 year old girls aren’t women, they’re children. So it doesn’t matter how much faster women mature than men.

I’ve been a fourteen year old girl, and unequivocally say no that isn’t something I would think I should have been trusted to make a decision to do. Most girls, even ones who had sexual relationships with adults in their teens, will tell that shit is wrong.

a 14 year old woman

I'm just going to come right out and say it —- no fourteen year old should date a seventeen year old. And we should discontinue the assertion that girls are more mature than boys. It justifies nothing.

Ick, this line of reasoning is just ick. Please treat a 14 year old girl like a 14 year old, ‘cause there are all sorts of social, cultural, economic, biological, and other things affecting her maturity and even if she’s mature on some things she’s not mature on others and a 14 year old kid is a kid, not magically a

Seriously, this is creepy as shit to be like, “Imma just regard 14 year old girls like 17 year olds instead. Cause I feel like I can justify that.” A 14 year old WOMAN? Just fucking stop.

I would much prefer to look at ads like this, that are well-designed and for something useful, than ads for for-profit colleges that take advantage of people or creepy Midtown dermatologists.

Well, women pretty much have to be ice-cold to get anywhere. Becuase if we ever show a single degree of warmth, we’re too “soft” and “weak”, and more than a couple of degrees we’re “hysterical” and “emotional”.

I think you missed the point of the story.

Who is oppressing your spelling?

It shouldn’t matter what the parents think because college women are motherfucking ADULTS! They no longer need to negotiate curfews with their parents because they don’t live with them! This is paternalistic bullshit.

And to give men a scapegoat, as well as a sense of power and entitlement. Now, if a woman is out after 8pm, it’s even MORE her fault, not his.

Because it wouldn’t be fair to hold all men responsible for the actions of a few. It’s only fair to hold all women responsible.

That would actually make sense. But it would defeat the purpose of rape culture, which is to keep women scared and marginalized.

Since men are doing all the raping, why not have a curfew for men instead?

Because he isn’t controlling his life, he’s controlling hers? Good parents don’t put this kind of pressure on their kids. Great caring people don’t need to make their personal beliefs about what people should do in their private lives a big media sensation where they are trying to sell you on it like it’s a deal on a

One can abstain without giving their father updates on their virginity

No more than people with kids and religious folks, no.