WTF Cares

Anyone that is that insistent that they aren’t drunk is absolutely drunk. In other news, what an utter child. 

Doesn’t sound hard. I bet you could run an operation like that with just one guy.

Alex, I’ll take “Pump and Dump” for $650,000.

anyone shortsighted/blindered enough to stay in their seats over this and complain, just keep rattling your chains to show how much you love being free

Any truck with modified suspension.

I guess he was the White Power Ranger all along, huh.

Well, the ruling party is literally called the Chinese Communist Party.

Here’s hoping he gets thrown into a max-sec prison to spend the rest of his life as someone’s bitch — a punishment that piece of shit so richly deserves.

It’s early yet, but I alreadyt say best news of the week.

It would seem someone at Boeing thought concrete shoes was a little too on-the-nose.

I told y’all to stop promoting the Flipper Zero ages ago, and nobody listened.

Nah, this is just rich people doing rich people things. It’s nowhere near as stupid as, say, the 2016 election.

Don’t even buy that bullshit. Flipper is all about exploiting tech security.

Pretty much my exact thoughts ever since its incarnation. AND i’ve got 17 more years of existence than you. So this is the dumbest fucking thing for at least HALF A CENTURY.

NP if you’re a risk taking baller on a budget but I wouldn’t touch this with a 10 foot pole even if I was a Jaguar factory tech.

Well I for one am glad that they are pandering to the worst people in the world on this super important issue.

Given Delaware’s favorable and extensive caselaw around shareholder protections and that shareholders would need to approve such a move, Tesla will likely not be soon to follow.

Because they’re fanboys.

This thing should not be sold. It’s the most unsafe vehicle sold in decades. The Feds should never have let this thing hit the market. Fuck this. And fuck everyone who buys or scams to get one. We good people here are considerate owners of practical cars like the Miata and Ford Flex. Are we going to stand for these

Musk deserves all the shit he gets.