
Not that strange - he’s basically a Tolkien elf....he has that genderless beauty that is near Bowie like.

She looks like she’s thinking about all the affairs she’s owed.

I don’t see any Woody Allen in him, but I don’t want to see any Woody Allen in anyone or anything.

Yes, objectively speaking, he is stunning. But he doesn’t make me tingle like, say, Clive Owen does. Clive may not be a pretty boy but to me he is the very distillation of hotness. He can rob my bank any time.

praise the lord

That boy is a Sinatra. Nobody can tell me ANY different.

It would be really amazing if those heels wouldn’t have broken off in a real-world situation.

That happens in Romancing the Stone too. It is a perfect solution.

I always think of that scene in Six Days Seven Nights when H.Ford heroically chops the heels off A. Heche's shoes. Classic.

ok i watched the movie and i thought there was no point in the movie where she had time to find sneakers her size and change into them. she was on the run in jungle terrain the entire time. she could have just taken them off and run barefoot but then she’d have no skin at the bottom of her feet by the end, and also

oh honey, no.

Same. Also, she does make a good point about her character not planning to run around the jungle.

I thought the running in heels part was meant to be silly and campy. I was surprised people took it so seriously.

I often think about this, because I am the last of my surname in my family. My name is my identity and would feel weird ‘discarding’ it, especially because I am the last. I think I would want to keep my name, but I would also want my child to have mine. Another part of me is totally fine with my child taking my

OMG I’m so jealous!! I was actually supposed to see gc a few years ago but the show got cancelled :( I was heartbroken.

I cannot speak to the quality of this song, because I haven’t listened to it. What I WILL speak to is my extreme approval of all of the pop-punk dudes of the early 00’s learning of the mystical powers of non-ramen diets and working out. I see you Pierre/Fall Out Boy/Brand New.

I’m going to refuse to listen to this the way I refuse to eat some of my favorite childhood snacks, out of fear that they will be terrible and ruin all my fond memories.

No amount of shocked gifs can truly communicate the horror displayed on my face as I viewed that gif of Simple Plan dude thrusting his junk in swim trunks.

I can die happy now. Dream come true. Actually this would really be my dream come true if it were good charolette