okay, doctor holly

none of you are good enough for them

Niall, because there’s way more stories about Niall out there, and he seems like the sweetest about it.

Here’s a question :

That is the face of someone remembering a very good guilty fuck.

Similar. I basically love pretty much every Obama/Biden meme.

Obama’s troll level is fucking ACE lately, and I love it.

I used to work at a preschool and preschool teachers are woefully underpaid because of this attitude, despite many of them having advanced degrees. So many people respond to “preschool teacher” with “that must be so much fun!” These people do incredibly emotionally demanding and stressful work that our society

Man, I wish I was a guy. I would give fucking anything to care less. Caring and doing all this menial, stupid emotional work is fucking exhausting.

Somewhat understandable, since he does his pooping on Facebook.

I can’t imagine why you wouldn’t want people to call you Mr. Finger.

Just to be clear: 12/17 is when you will tell us if you like people calling you Mr. Bobby?

But what if she likes using her first name. Like, maybe I like people calling me Mr. Bobby. We won’t know for certain until 12/17.

Please do not show up on the first day of school, smile to my face, then gossip behind my back and expect me to take care of your child each day.

I really hate the attitude of “I didn’t get into this career for the money!”

Thank you. People usually don’t understand what early childhood teachers go through because no one talks about it.

I was a childcare teacher for 2 years in Madison, WI back in the early 2000s. I worked all the way up to $8.75/hr even with certificates from UW Extension in Childcare Teaching and Infant and Toddler Care. Babysitting was much more profitable per hour, but there wasn’t that much demand. I had several parents that

I know several women who used to do in-home childcare around my city. Half of them had to give it up because increasing regulation meant that they could no longer keep it profitable. I am in no way saying regulating childcare is a bad thing. Neither were they, but they were priced out. I live in Kansas and infant care

I made it 9 months as a daycare worker in my early 20s...I think I made $9 an hour...it was so stressful that I had to just stop going in. It’s a fucking LOT of responsibility that my little 20 something year old self just couldn’t handle. I made $11/hr in retail and had virtually none of the stress. I also lived rent

Look, even when they’re IN school, child care is still a problem. The school year is 180 days. You still need someone to care for them on holidays and when they’re sick and during the summer. Since they've been back in school, most weeks have had some random half-days or full days off. Not to mention, I don’t know

she says she has little left over after paying them just $9 an hour.