okay, doctor holly

Cats and dogs living together, MASS HYSTERIA.

Forget the University President. Your article asked the much more important question:

How dare they allow it!? They ought to have ways of shutting that down.

John Waters needs to put this guy in his next movie.

Wolfe is just one part of the problem with what is wrong at Mizzou. While ousting him is a great place to start, there is so much more work to be done. Luckily there are amazing activist on campus, so I am very hopeful for this change.

Ironically by saying,“I can give you an answer, and I’m sure it will be a wrong answer.” Tim Wolfe was 100% correct.


C’mon. He has a draft of a strategy for a plan to address most of the issues. And in a few months, there will be details. What more do you want from the guy?

A nude leotard on a child is not sexy. If your mind went there, then you have the problem. Leotards are meant to highlight the body and it’s form. I saw NOTHING sexual about that video.

Thongs are designed to be sexy. Leotards are designed to be functional. When you put clothing that is specifically designed to be sexy on a small child, that is weird and creepy, because you are sexualizing that child. When you put clothing that is specifically designed to be functional on a child who is performing

No, the problem is that people interpret a little girl wearing a perfectly ordinary leotard (which is what dancers of all ages wear, because it allows for maximum freedom of movement - it is a garment designed to be functional, not sexy) as somehow sexual, because we as a society have decided that female bodies are

It’s almost as if refusing to protect trans people didn’t stop straight men from going into womens’ restrooms to assault children there.

I’m surprised she wasn’t involved with a pyramid scheme.

What’s weird about it is that they can’t tell him that it’s right there. It’s not about the cookies.

um speak for yourself~

Can we just agree that sex shouldn’t even factor into it? “Men’s work” and “Women’s work” is a silly concept. Sometimes the man will be better at repairing the house or fixing the car, and sometimes the woman will be. Sometimes the woman will be better at cooking and cleaning and sometimes the man will be. But setting

I’m with you so much. Can we all just agree that this whole genre of “men suck at domestic things” is just fucking awful. Like, I am a man. I also like to make sure the kitchen is reasonably clean, and years of living without a dishwasher means I’m 100% okay with washing dishes on my own.

thank you! makes me feel better.