okay, doctor holly

Hey Claire, love you Claire. You can make living in this batshit state worthwhile.

I’m not sure what you’re trying to say here. I’m not even being sarcastic, I really don’t understand the point you’re trying to make.

I know. :( The only reason I even know about this is because Washington went to my fucking high school, and my best friend was close with a lot of girls that ran in his social circle.

As someone who lives in this godawful state, I’m shocked to hell that he actually resigned. Good on the team for sticking to their beliefs. This somewhat relieves the bad taste left in my mouth after they attempted to have the scholarships of women raped by a Mizzou football player revoked. Somewhat.

Honestly I thought it was incredibly easy to see it as a metaphor for her father or father figure in her life and her younger self? That’s how I interpreted it before she talked about what the video meant to her. Maybe that’s just the inkblot test-ness of it, but I never saw the two characters of the video as being in

Mostly I’m disturbed by the Suri in the bathroom anecdote. The cookies one is weird, but I also wouldn’t be surprised if it were about some other diva celebrity. Also, I wanna go to weddings with JLo forever now.

Actually I would slightly argue that fact. It doesn’t bother me when people screw up, because people are humans and that’s what humans are best at, it’s most telling to me when people are forced to look at their mistakes and how they make them better/apologize for them. Honestly though, she’s mostly neither here nor

I’m constantly torn between liking her for being consistent about speaking out against sexism, and waking up at three am in a cold sweat, muttering, “WHy did you have to turn the donut licking into a rant about childhood obesity...why.....”

Also true! Honestly, if you want to go through a maze/attraction and not be targeted, it’s best to be as relaxed as possible. Even if you’re not screaming, we’re good at sniffing at the people who are even just quietly edging away. My absolute favorite is when we get a guest’s name; I worked in a maze that was themed

Yep! At least at the attraction I worked at, we had several different plans for different kinds of emergencies, and prior to the attraction opening for the season we had to have our evacuation drill complete in under 2 minutes. And they were adamant about trying to trick us too- supervisors would be ‘guests’ and

Definitely going to have to check this out, I love reading about the psychology of scares and fear. Reading this makes me miss working in a haunted house. Scaring people shitless was a good stress reducer too.

All I keep thinking every week is that Murphy is lucky to have some incredibly talented actors willing to work for him. They take some interesting premises and elevate the material enough to keep me watching, even when things get convoluted or cliched. I haven’t watched this week’s yet, but I honestly cannot wait to

I’m still in denial. What deaths? Who? Everyone goes home and lives happily ever after.

Absolutely no one is going to see these, but it’s okay, I just wanted to share. I personally haven’t experienced much paranormal phenomenon, but good lord I have experienced more of it since becoming close with my now girlfriend than I ever have before in my life. She calls it being a ‘magnet’ for it, she’s not to

Honestly, Sebastian Stan’s the best part. Chase Crawford is bland as cardboard and Steven Strait is trying his best, but the rest of the cast is utterly forgettable.

GOD BLESS THIS SHOW. Honestly this is one of the reasons I’m incredibly sad it didn’t earn a second season.

Unbeknownst to me, Mark Ruffalo is a 9/11 truther, which I’m still not entirely sure how I feel about that. And with Hemsworth well, I’m unaware of anything, so hopefully he’s safe. [crosses fingers]

Paul! My favorite hometown hero. And you’re right, it’s really sad. :/

Usually I’m somewhat lenient re: Social Issues with celebrities I like that don’t appear to be horrible dickbags, since many of them exist in a bubble where it’s hard to be even as educated as many people who spend much time on the internet are in this day and age. However, I really don’t feel like there’s any excuse

And he had such good things to say about that too! That’s why I’m so shocked now, I guess? I honestly never would have seen this coming. :(