
Um. No.

In discussions about enthusiastic consent, it is presented as education that all people, of all genders and orientations should receive.

In grad school, a group of about 8 of us shared one big office with partitions. Once when the office phone rang, the two guys sitting on either side of the phone just sort of sat there and looked across the room at us women, as the phone continued to ring. “You know we don’t actually answer the phone with our vaginas,

And each snowflake has overcome odds that you don’t understand, like that time in high school when the hottest cheerleader in the class snarked at his mullet.

What we realized is that while many women shared similar workplace stories, most men were simply shocked and unaware of the issues facing women in the workplace.

This is such a thing. For forty years I was told I was too aggressive, bitchy, etc. My behavior has not changed, but now that I look male to these idiots, I am praised for my independence, assertiveness, and my no bullshit sensibilities.

Yes, if they have one example of the reverse that means the ENTIRE study is bullshit. Because each man is a unique snowflake.

This. When I hear people saying that fast food jobs are for teens, I go a little off the deep end. How the f did you just get that Quarter Pounder at noon on a Tuesday?!

I don’t think you’re horrible, I just think you’re acting awfully entitled. Did you know fast food places are open when high schoolers can’t work? Surely you’ve had lunch at a McDonald’s, right? And it’s not just “burger flippers” but management that also gets shafted, granted for a dollar more an hour. It’s a job,

MEN: “If you’re never played football, shot a gun, or served in the military, your opinion on these issues doesn’t matter.”

Oh, honey, not everyone is as broken and selfish as you are.

Cool, go live in the fucking woods then, since you don’t need society. We won’t miss you.

Listen, if your worldview amounts to “look out for number one and everyone else can go fuck themselves” ... good luck making your juvenile objectivist fantasy into a fulfilling life.

Well, that kind of thinking is what makes America the kind of country where unions enjoy only marginal success and people regularly protest ideas like universal healthcare and the expansion of the social safety net, so good job being typical I guess?

“when women take maternity leave or time to be with the children, then what happens is they fall behind on the experience level, which means that the pay becomes a differential.”

I haven’t seen a single person here post any such nonsense. Everyone who is supported of maternity leave is pretty much talking about maternity/paternity leave. I think you are barking up the wrong tree here.

No, he thinks the world was and should be Leave It to Beaver. Of course, that world has only ever existed for less than 10% of the population, but he watched it as a kid and everything on TV before the dirty fucking hippies showed up was true and honest.

This attitude is also bad for actual teleworkers. It makes it seem like working at home is some kind of vacation. When I telework I am WORKING. I can’t also care for a small child at the same time.

It is not. Most households can’t afford that.

They don’t want women to work, but they don’t want to pay anyone enough to support a single income household. We gained great things being able to work outside the home, but the consistent obliviousness about the at home work and child rearing that still needs to happen means the ones who want children essentially

Yup- I’m fairly certain companies aren’t cool with people telecommuting while also taking care of kids.