
Yeah, cuz we all know the people handing out jobs in the entertainment industry are known for being totally objective and basing hiring decisions exclusively on “ability” and “merit” and “seniority.”

It’s not a boycott, though, and it’s not about making a political statement. I didn’t read female authors because male authors are bad or I wanted to stick it to them; I read female authors because, as with most people, female authors had been seriously underrepresented in my reading up to that point. It’s a bit like

Because obviously men wanting to join will have to castrate themselves under the full moon and burn their genitals upon the altar of the great goddess!!!

omg you guys

But c’mon...did anyone really buy Jennifer Lawrence in ‘Joy’ as a broken down divorceé with two jobs and two kids?? There’s a line in the trailer where she laments something akin to ‘My best years are behind me!’.

But, you don’t get that bloc if everybody just goes “oh, that’s how it is, so what is the point of trying to change it”, which seems to be the tactic you are advising. Because even if they want to act, why would they want to be limited so limited in the positions available to them.

Of course, that nepotism is the most unfair, sinful thing ever if you’re the child of a famous actor of color, like Jaden and Willow Smith. Jeez, those kids can’t catch a damn break, especially Jaden. I’ve also seen people trash Zoe Kravitz, who is fucking gorgeous and quite talented, imho.

women “look a lot better without hats.”

Did your comment mean to read “Yes, it’s unfair. But, instead of fighting to try and change it, they should just accept it.”

And yet, it has a 92% on Rotten Tomatoes.

We need more people in positions of power to actually take the step to hire the women - and not just in accounting or secretarial positions. There are plenty of candidates at the ready to fill those jobs that men traditionally get. Binders full.

Worse? It’s not the only industry where women’s currency is wrapped up in and dependent on their youthful appearance. Even when it makes no damn difference to the “product.” I know a broadcaster (younger than I) that hides her age and marital status because she’s on a youth-driven format. The only reason I’m still

But when ageism really only affects one sex and not the other, is it really ageism?