God damn it. Stick to sports and stop talking about the MLS!
God damn it. Stick to sports and stop talking about the MLS!
Hey Drew. You’re the best, and good luck with the brain and everything.
I’ve been reading the site since 2005, took my wife on a second date in 2006 because she said she loved Deadspin, and the site has been my first stop on the internet for the bulk of my adult life. Over the years you get enough personal insight into the writers’ lives that you feel like you’re my friends. Just want to…
Three Good Dogs say: Urinate on Sports!
Seconded. I’m a non idiot in the internet era; I can pull up a box score on my own. I come to deadspin for insight and news that transcends sports. Deadspin has off the charts reader loyalty because of its politics, not in spite of them.
Management thinking we’re here for “Deadspin” and not “Magary, Ley, Petchesky, et al” is a supreme misunderstanding of the customer.
Jim Spanfeller’s tongue isn’t fit for my asshole, and I’m generous with my asshole. Fuck you G/O Media, suck my tuna can chode.
Where the fuck else am I supposed to go to read up on the fine print of Oddibe McDowell’s water bill?
Deadspin usually has sports?
The incandescent Rex Chapman!
Don’t forget my boy Negele Knight.
Wait, it’s a shock when we beat the Clippers?
Not to defend how ridiculously seriously football people (particularly coaches) take themselves too much, but the players do play a sport in which life-threatening injuries are a day-to-day possibility and in which they get a scant sixteen games each year to show off what they can do.
Nice. A minor suggested adjustment from someone who spends about eleven hours a day thinking about alliteration:
Glasnow picked the worst possible time to adopt glasnost.
5am? My Lord that’s early. I can just picture Snyder there in his office, across from a barely awake Gruden, stirring his coffee with a sleeve of gatorade cups.
not sure I like the glass-half-empty rebrand of LRSG, Lauren
The B-Roll from his shooting baskets is 17 hours long.
or alternatively “we saw the + and thought it meant add this to the delete folder. And we assumed the - meant no, do not add this to the delete folder”