
Wow. He really bit it.

Asked for details, FIFA officials elaborated, “Millions of dollars in secret payments runs contrary to FIFA values. We expected Kattner to uphold our integrity. Unfortunately, he fell far short of our basic standard: tens of millions of dollars in secret payments.”

“We were just excited to be at a game and let the audience see us and hear us...”

And if you happen to be Allen Iverson, just step on over it.

But was it a sucker punch?

3. Change our team name.

And, “I am the walrus.”

“Fuck you, Tony.”

Which, proving he’s a perfect fit, failed.

Favorite work of his?

You still let Leitch hang around?

So what position do you play? Lemme guess. Cornerback. No? Running back? Still no? Wide receiver. Oh, maybe linebacker? How about safety? Ah, you’re a lean DE. Beefing up to play DT? Somewhere on the O line?

What, did he miss the news about Bayless?

So someone who was supposedly 17 turns out to be nearly 30? Sounds like Mark Sanchez’s greatest disappointment.

Baby A is “older” even though, technically, he/she was born an hour later. That’s fucked up, but sometimes you have to accept the little quirks and farts that come with time and space.

Or maybe to double down on letting me know that my dreams are hopeless?

Honest question. What exactly is the difference between realistic and achievable?

He took 4,000 more shots than Dirk in six more games.

Was Will Smith acting like a Saint?

Honestly, I’m pleasantly pleased that Skyline didn’t take Cincinnati any lower.