Jran Sakarra

Some choice McCree quotes to spice up your next sexual encounter:
“Draw!” (while firing)
“Like shooting fish in a barrel.”
“Back in the saddle again.”
“Feels like I’m bein’ possessed.”
“Payload’s movin’ out.”
“You gotta work on that aim.”
“My ultimate’s ready.”
“Happens to the best of us.”
“You done?”

Pretty much, sudden influx of people means the backlog of maintenance is starting to show where the government cut budget corners.

Local Government: Dear developer, the public is using public parks and we don’t like this. Please remove pokestops so the public will stop utilizing services provided to them, by us, the local government.

If you’re pissing people off with your journalism, then you’re doing your job. Ruffling feathers, even if you’re entertainment reporters, is par for the course. Don’t stop doing it just because a couple publishers are a wee bit on the childish side of things.

A Price Of Games Journalism

It doesn’t matter which company is mad at us today, or which companies get mad at us in the future. You’ll continue

The scary fact is Steam allows the developer to control this, it should be automated; if your game is EA, label as EA review, if it is Beta label as Beta, if it was released, NO label, tough luck.

Yeah. may not be on nexus any more but there are probably plenty of turrents of it going up from people who already snaged it.