Yep.....that shit was practically a 3 act play to shake up people.
Yep.....that shit was practically a 3 act play to shake up people.
This is absolutely terror tatics. This is the Warrant Squad? They would totally know how to conduct a low-key apprehension. Not one in the middle of a high-tension crowd\protest scene. It was done specifically to communicate to others that this could happen to you anytime, anyplace. Except tactics like this have…
Pretty sure they’re freelancing or getting in some practice before they join up with DHS shock troops very soon.
I think the police chose this method by design. Their intent was to terrorize protesters and then gaslight them by saying, “No, you didn’t see what you just saw! She was a criminal and this was a legal arrest!” It is in keeping with their abusive nature and terror tactics.
I love how she says toward the end that if you see an officer just please say thank you because she really doesn’t hear thank you enough. Why are we supposed to thank cops? It’s a job. They get paid. They have excellent benefits. They didn’t get drafted into this. They’re not soldiers fighting some evil enemy on our…
Yep. The experience she’s describing has happened to me every time I have pre-ordered/paid for food at McDonald’s (meaning roughly a couple times a month). They don’t start making your order until you actually show up at the restaurant. That means that if it’s busy or you have a large order, you’re asked to park and…
As someone who used to work at McDonalds - lady, no one working there has the motivation to poison your food. I could barely summon the motivation to make orders at all, much less take additional steps on top of it, for the $5.75 they were paying me.
Like she deserved a pat on the back for it, too. Humblebrag. Jesus.
Did she mention the exact location of the place to sic the “Blue/All Lives Matter” goons on them or so other cops know the exact location to take their time gettin to?
Thank you. This person is unfit for the job if their pressure limit is set to Average Service at a McDonalds.
Yep. Either there is something else going on that needs to be addressed or she’s unstable. She doesn’t need a gun in either situation.
She’s used to people offering to pay for her stuff and now she has to WAIT for her egg mcmuffin. THIS CANNOT BE A COINCIDENCE. /s
Seriously. whatever THAT was...she needs to be seeing a therapist and also get a reality check.
Waiting an extra couple minutes for an Egg McMuffin causes a woman to spiral into teary freakout ending with her fearing for her life.
What police force thought handing a gun and a badge to Cop Karen was a great idea? WTF!? The local public pool has more stringent screening for their teenage lifeguards.
Does she think that every time McDonald’s makes you wait for your food that the employees are messing with it? Because the McDonald’s near me makes people wait all the time. I always assumed it was just. because they were busy
Anyone that has a sobbing meltdown over waiting for fast food needs to have their gun removed and to have their fitness for duty evaluated.
Love that she snuck in there that she did the mobile order so other people wouldn’t “pay for her stuff.” You know you’re in a trod-upon profession when people are always offering to pay for your shit.
Let’s not forget all those Starbucks coffees with “Pig” on them... because the police ordered them online with “Pig” set as their name.
If the group has 38,000 members, it doesn’t seem like a huge deal to try to have a couple dozens mod, tbh.