Everett, Wa

There is a 40 minute go-kart race in It's Pat where Pat needs to win her freedom from binary gender politics.

He was hiding from his boss Bill Brasky, deep cover as a Chicago Bears fan raising 75 kids.

BTK's reading this heartbroken.

There's also that cartoon The Wind Blows or something that's incredibly depressing.

Father John Misty. For when you feel like Billy Joel, but want it to make you kill yourself.

I feel the same way. There are no rules yet - I don't know what's going on in his head when they visit. Can someone get hurt? Die? It's just them going into his head and seeing the big dude that may be Mojo or The Shadow King, but there's no consequence to anything. It would have been interesting if they did this

I still crack up at jokes they have somewhat done before, like when Milhouse is giving his big rap presentation and Homer nods, writing "Milhouse = Bart's Friend."

Where I live a drunk guy was driving off from a bar where cops were trying to arrest him and one cop said 'f-this' and unloaded his gun into the car, killing him. He got off. Another cop in Seattle slammed a dude into the Cinerama wall so hard it turned the guy into a vegetable even though the guy was doing NOTHING

I turned it off at that point but was planning to return to it later. Hoping he was playing the audience or making fun of hacky comics but I guess it ends up just being a shitty joke?

I don't approve of the currency hurting policies. But I do approve of the immigrant hurting policies.

They are making a show where Ernst and Dexter's dad solve mysteries.

If Boardwalk was like Vinyl, Steve Buscemi would just be sleeping in an opium den for 2/3 of every episode.

Yeah, I knew from the first scene also. I didn't think he was a dead person, just pretty much Richie's id. And I thought it was pretty terrible.

Carol didn't want to kill Alicia Witt's character because she saw herself in her. She's not going to become Morgan.

If Scorsese directed eps of The Big Bang Theory THEN he'd be a self-parody like DeNiro.

The 'major crime' is that they kidnap David Byrne so they can count cards in Vegas.

Not only does MTV not show commercials anymore, but TV in general doesn't show long interviews that go against the channel's agenda -and where everyone is civil.

There are two types of producers in Hollywood that hurt film. One type are those who fight for mediocrity in order
for production to be on time and on budget. The other are those who allow awful shit to go WAY over budget because they have been tricked by a director who is just making garbage.

I felt Otto ordered the hit and that's why it was in code so Saul couldn't peek - just in case he does that. She wants Carrie dead and it'll probably fuck Saul up so badly that he would have to be the one who is forced to leave. However, I am not sure Otto was the one who ordered the hit on Carrie in Beirut. Maybe a

I'm just so tired of all these star wars.