Everett, Wa

I don't think Jon Snow coming back from the dead would be hacky because it's been set up pretty well that characters can come back from the dead in this universe - where magic exists - and that Mellisandre has set something like this into motion. However, I do think if Jon Snow comes back he won't be the same.

I saw that look as a 'how do you feel about your alliance with this nutso cult now?' But it could work as either.

I don't think she will be redeemed. But I am going to enjoy the shit out of the Mountain killing every last one of those cult motherfuckers.

Frank Castle didn't turn into the Punisher until his family was killed AND he was raped.

@EverettWa: 'And that was the story of how I started Bang Bus.' - Don Draper to his grandchildren in Mad Men's series finale

He dies in the end.

"Young black men need to pull up their pants. Unless, of course, they're raping." - Hypocrite Cosby

Dude got a great meme with House of Cosbys and the fucker took up legal action to stop it. Probably to stop it before Rape Cosby popped up.

Wow, great review Libby. Reminds me of the time this site was stocked with excellent writers.

I've been calling this from the episode one this season. And I also think Gillian will be the one to kill Nucky, or come the closest.

I suspect there will be added details in the flashbacks that give more power and substance to the tragedy than the few lines uttered in the show that pertain to this episode in Nucky's life.

Maybe there's a flashback where he makes his first bundle and he spends it on teeth filing.

I've guessed from episode one this season that Gillian will be the one who kills, or maybe nearly kills, Nucky. We will see Nucky pick her up as a young girl in these flashbacks, to be the Commodore's child whore. It could be a masterstroke as it'd show how Nucky truly crossed over to the dark side as a young man and

The season long flashback will gradually get to where Nucky is a bit older and corrupted by the Commodore. Gillian will be younger than him because she is quite a bit younger in the 20s and 30s and that's how time works outside a Benjamin Button universe. He's not going to come across her the age she is now - he'll

Gillian will kill Nucky. It's the only reason she's still in the show and why they are showing flashbacks of Nucky's past, where we will see how he recruited her as the Commodore's child whore. Then when she kills him we will see that he deserves it.

Christian Borle looks and acts like Steve Buscemi.

The Masters also spent a good portion of their careers trying to "cure" homosexuality. Not sure they'll include that.

I'm just shocked the dog's alive.

I always perceived the older brother in the Fudge books to be the most awesome character in all of literature. Too bad Marlon Brando is dead and not young, as a young Marlon Brando would be perfect as Fudge's older brother in the Fudge movies/musicals they will inevitably make.

John Kerry was a long-time Senator and presidential nominee that went on to become Secretary of State. But he too - at least on a national scale - was politically inept.