
This is the worst thing to happen to Atlanta involving a Sherman in a long time.

Finally a pro scout recognizes Tebow as a quarterback.

Those Chargers jerseys, though - a thing of beauty. I kinda want to buy one and I’m no Chargers fan.

Will not go to bat for the uniforms but those helmets with the old logo are 1,000,000 times better for the Broncos than the outdated 90s atrocities they for some reason still haven’t ditched yet

I once had a drunk young lady at a Bills tailgate say to me, in the most Buffalo accent imaginable, “dere’s only two good things the CANADIANS have ever given us - HAHCKEY, AN’ NICKELBAHCK.”

I haven’t watched football in almost 15 years.

Don’t worry. If you’re a Leaf fan it’ll go away the moment you need to use it.

They were shooting off fireworks all over last night, (although some may have been gun shots, it is Chicago...) and they had to bring out the CPD on horses to get all the drunk assholes to leave the streets. It was the goddamn NLDS. Based on the celebration in the streets and the current look of my facebook

The Cubs are just setting themselves up for even greater heartbreak in either the NLCS or WS. I can’t wait!

Eh. At 1-4 they’re still the best winless team in the league imo

I don’t know man, non-life-threatening injuries, or lifetime of guilt for having killed someone? I’d kill that fucker in an instant.

Pitchers are usually outs; no one wants to see that. I do appreciate the occasional big hit from a pitcher, but it’s just that: occasional. At the end of the day these guys are getting paid to throw the ball, not to hit it.

Incremental change is, by Constitutional design, the only change we’re going to see no matter how many POCs get elected to congress.


FWIW, the Keepin it 1600 guys offer that platform to him so that there is SOME sort of opposing opinion rather than it just being an echo chamber of self-validation.

Oh, man, this is always the best punchline. Everything actually put into place by the party conservatives vote for in lockstep... “that’s not what conservatives believe in.”

Democrats in the mold of “Hey remember when we could actually pass laws, even when there WASN’T a Democrat in the White House?”

Deadspin would never be associated with a media entity that would publish an ill-advised item. Never!

We also would have accepted “Fine Young Cannibals”

That’s the thing. The Cubs players are not an unlikable bunch (outside of Chapman). They’re good players. They don’t enforce unwritten rules. Maddon probably gets too much credit, but for the most part, the team isn’t worth hating. There are some solid fans who supported the team during tough times, but the fans who